Today : Mar 02, 2025
Arts & Culture
01 March 2025

Directors And Actors Discuss Challenges On ViuTV’s Popcorn Week

Derek Tsang advises Liu Junxian against directing during their ViuTV appearance.

Hong Kong's vibrant film industry continues to captivate audiences and professionals alike, and the recent episode of ViuTV's program '爆谷一周' (Popcorn Week) sheds light on the experiences of director 張家輝 (Derek Tsang) and actor 劉俊謙 (Liu Junxian). The episode aired on March 1, 2025, marking Tsang's fourth directorial effort, titled '贖夢' ('Redemption'). Although he feels he has improved over the years, Tsang candidly shared the immense pressures and responsibilities he faces as a director.

Tsang, reflecting on his directorial roles, expressed the uniquely heavy burdens of leadership. He said, "由你寫第一個字嗰一刻開始,你已經要斷定無論呢個劇本呢個戲係生係死,由頭到尾最靠得住、最愛護佢嘅人,同佢同生共死嗰個人得自己。" This translates to, "From the moment you write the first word, you must determine whether the script will live or die; the person who is closest and most protective of it is you alone." With such heavy stakes, Tsang emphasized the challenge of being both creator and the one accountable for every detail.

When 劉俊謙 revealed his aspirations to follow Tsang's footsteps and become a director, Tsang took the opportunity to advise him against it, humorously stating, "唔好咁傻啦!好辛苦㗎!" which means, "Don't be so foolish! It’s really tough!" This exchange not only showcases the camaraderie between the two but also highlights the brutal realities of filmmaking.

劉俊謙's interest in directing stemmed from witnessing many peers struggle with the lack of acting opportunities during the pandemic. He described feeling constrained by his role as just an actor and wanted to share his own stories through writing and directing. His desire to create his own narrative, rather than solely supporting someone else’s vision, spurred him to start penning screenplays.

During the discussion, Tsang was not only supportive of Liu's ambitions but also jovially insisted, "做導演你搵我拍呀!知唔知呀?" meaning, "If you direct, make sure you get me onboard!" Liu enthusiastically replied he would create a character named '畀心哥' (Give Heart Brother) for Tsang, who would be constantly making heart gestures. This light-hearted banter enhanced the lively atmosphere of the episode.

On the topic of Thang's role as both director and actor, he mentioned his additional venture of singing the film's ending theme song. Tsang laughingly remarked, "唱歌本身我有天分嘅," which translates to, "I have talent for singing." This self-aware acknowledgment drew laughter from the audience. Despite claiming he never formally trained, Tsang indicated he had been exploring vocal techniques to improve his singing, declaring he was now much more confident.

Curiously, when asked about why he chose to sing the film’s theme song himself, Tsang humorously admitted, "因為找任何人唱也要付錢...若找自己唱就省了這筆錢.” This means, “Because hiring anyone else to sing costs money... if I sing it, it saves expenses.” While the wisdom of such practicality was evident, he nonetheless hired someone to direct the music video.

Yet, Tsang humorously lamented the pressure to pose and perform certain poses for the music video, reflecting on his discomfort with very theatrical gestures. He joked, "導演要我chok嘅,我都唔想㗎呢啲嘢,我演戲呀嘛!" translating to "If the director asks me to pose like this, I really don’t want to do it! I’m here to act!" Despite his jokes, it was evident he was willing to try for the sake of the production.

The conversation also delved deep about the thematic elements of '贖夢.' Consistent with Tsang's previous works, this film follows a darker narrative path, distinctive within the current Hong Kong film market, which he pointed out has been devoid of such themes for almost a decade. Tsang believes audiences desire more diversity and complexity within cinematic offerings, stating, "呢種題材冇咗,觀眾需要多啲選擇,唔可以單一。” This translates to, "This type of content is missing; audiences need more options and cannot be limited to the same narrative types.” His commitment to enriching film culture resonates throughout the episode.

Responding to viewer inquiries, both Tsang and Liu attempted to introduce the film '贖夢' (Redemption) in Mandarin, showcasing their learning progress. Their attempts met with roars of laughter, confirming the lighthearted atmosphere they cultivated during the episode. 从最初的混乱到现在的标准发音,进步显著,显然这一段在节目中成为亮点。

Overall, the engaging exchange between 張家輝 and 劉俊謙 not only showcased their personality and professionalism but also placed the challenges of filmmaking, aspirations, and creativity front and center, delighting viewers and enriching the discourse around Hong Kong cinema.