The beloved BBC crime series, Death in Paradise, returns to the screens for its 14th season, with fans eagerly anticipating the premiere on January 31, 2025, at 9 PM on BBC One and BBC iPlayer. The new season promises not only the familiar charm of the picturesque island of Saint Marie but also introduces fresh faces as the Honore Police force embarks on yet another perplexing murder investigation.
At the helm of this new installment is newly appointed Detective Inspector Mervin Wilson, played by Don Gilet, who might not be thrilled about his new post on the island, but is unwillingly drawn to the case when the body of a young man is discovered hidden within the ravine. With the dramatic backdrop of the Caribbean, fans are set to enjoy both intriguing plots and character dynamics.
One of the most exciting returns is the much-loved Sergeant JP Hooper, portrayed by Tobi Bakare. JP, who originally left the show back in 2021 to accept a promotion, made a brief comeback last season. Now, as the excitement builds for his current appearance, there's plenty of speculation about how his character has evolved during his time away from Saint Marie. He lasted on the show for over seven seasons before his departure, and many fans are eager to see how his reunion will affect past friendships, particularly with Officer Marlon Pryce, played by Tahj Miles.
Joining Major Hooper this season is new character Officer Benjamin Brice, enacted by Anthony J Abraham. Details about Benjamin are still sparse, as he is listed only as a guest star. Fans will be watching closely to see whether he becomes a permanent fixture of the series or will return only for this episode. Abraham is known for his roles in shows like Jack Whitehall's Bad Education and The Acolyte, so his addition brings both curiosity and anticipation.
Another cast addition is Michelle Greenidge, who plays Paulette Brice, presumably related to Officer Benjamin Brice. Greenidge's previous roles include appearances on Netflix’s After Life and Channel 4’s It’s A Sin, adding credibility and familiarity to her character role.
Mark Holden takes on the role of Damon Clarke—believed to be involved with the murder investigation carried out by the Honore Police. Holden's previous notable performances include roles on His Dark Materials and A Discovery of Witches. Rounding out the new additions is Stephen Odubola as Karlus Brice, additional family to Ben, known for his work on Blue Story and The Sandman.
With this line-up, the first episode of Season 14 promises plenty of drama, twists, and revelations. Actor Tobi Bakare, who reprises his beloved role, reflects on the joy of reuniting with the cast and the show's captivating storylines, saying, "The show is phenomenal... it's always going to be a privilege to be asked to come back," highlighting the unique feel of the show and his connection to it.
The season kicks off with Mervin Wilson still grappling with personal issues as he learns more about his estranged mother’s recent death, alongside the dilemma of possibly leaving the island behind for good. This emotional layer adds depth to the murder mystery genre, allowing for character development amid the typical crime-solving antics.
Fans have expressed delight and enthusiasm for Bakare's return, taking to social media to share their excitement. The buzz surrounding his re-entry reverberates with comments like, “So nice to see Tobi back, loved his character,” echoing the thoughts of many who cherish the series.
Another intriguing aspect of Season 14 is how relationships evolve, with past and new characters potentially colliding and reconfiguring alliances and friendships. Mervin’s interactions with established officers like Selwyn Patterson (played by Don Warrington) and Naomi Thomas (played by Kelly Adams) add to the unpredictable dynamics on the island, where every twist and narrative surprise is grist for the investigative mill.
With the introduction of not just new murders but also the possibility of new emotional arcs, the season is set up to be as engaging as ever. Fans of Death in Paradise can expect brand new adventures, multi-layered stories filled with suspense, and the humor the series is known for, all wrapped up within the idyllic Caribbean setting.
Tonight’s premiere will surely set the stage for the dramatic stories to come, as the viewers find themselves drawn back to the mysteries of Saint Marie along with its quirky characters and unexpected plot twists. Will DI Wilson prove his worth and manage to solve the case? Only time will tell as the clock ticks and the show kicks off.