David Hallyday, son of the late rock legend Johnny Hallyday, recently graced the French television program La boîte à secrets on January 24, 2025, where he not only shared personal memories but also reflected on his budding acting career. Hosted by Faustine Bollaert on France 3, the show brought together various celebrities, including actress Muriel Robin and TV host Antoine de Caunes, creating for viewers a rich blend of nostalgia, emotion, and laughter.
During the show, Hallyday took viewers down memory lane as he recounted poignant moments, such as filming his first scene alongside his father. The atmosphere was charged with sentiment, particularly during Carla Bruni’s surprise appearance through a video clip, which sparked laughter and fond memories about their teenage years.
Bruni, who was once the First Lady of France and is now married to former President Nicolas Sarkozy, reminisced about her days as classmates with Hallyday. "I was in class with David when we were 13, 14, 15... and it was very funny because David is someone so cool, so simple," she recalled. Notably, she mentioned her surprise upon learning he was the son of two famous music icons, stating, "I didn’t realize he was the son of Sylvie Vartan and Johnny Hallyday until my mother came to pick me up from school and exclaimed, 'There’s Sylvie Vartan!'" This moment brought laughter from the audience and highlighted the innocent charm of their youth.
Bruni continued to share anecdotes from their teenage years, which were endearing and humorous, affirming Hallyday’s talent as she recounted how he invited friends over and played the drums impressively, leaving everyone astonished. These personal touches enriched the episode, showcasing the warmth of their friendship and Hallyday’s musical talent.
On the professional front, David Hallyday discussed his role in the popular detective series Capitaine Marleau, where he portrayed his first character on-screen. This episode, titled "À contre-courant," attracted impressive viewership, with approximately 5.9 million viewers tuning in, including replay figures. Hallyday reflected on this new endeavor, expressing, "I’ve adored this experience, especially working with Josée Dayan. It has been truly remarkable. The casting included Olivier de Benoist, who are now my friends, so this project felt perfect for me."
Josée Dayan, the talented director of Capitaine Marleau, was also featured on the show and praised Hallyday openly. "He is truly a wonderful actor. I always say exactly what I think, and he possesses such generosity and humanity—qualities you can’t fake. His natural ability on screen is fantastic, and I look forward to our continued collaboration," Dayan said, generating excitement about the potential of future projects together.
Earlier, Hallyday expressed his hesitations about acting roles, sharing, "I’ve been offered roles of singers too close to my real life, which didn’t pique my interest. But when Josée Dayan approached me two years ago, I was pleasantly surprised she remembered me and was interested even after I wasn’t available at the time." His excitement for taking on this new creative challenge was palpable as he discussed his affinity for the script and his surprise at being called back by Dayan.
Hallyday’s evolution from singer to actor is reflective of his desire to carve out his own identity apart from his famous lineage, seeking to be recognized for his own contributions rather than merely as the 'son of Johnny Hallyday.' His appearance on La boîte à secrets serves as not just nostalgia for his fans but also signifies his transformation within the French entertainment industry.
From memorable childhood stories shared with Bruni to significant professional milestones reached, David Hallyday’s recent media appearances provide insight not only about the artist himself but also about the ties of friendship and legacy within the French cultural fabric. His continued growth and endeavors both musically and now as an actor are sure signs of his enduring presence on the entertainment scene.