In a thrilling revival for fans of cinema, David Fincher's classic 1990s thriller Seven has just been added to Netflix in the UK and Ireland, creating buzz among the streaming audience eager to revisit the gripping narrative that so captivated viewers at its initial release.
The 1995 film stars Morgan Freeman as Detective William Somerset, a seasoned investigator on the brink of retirement, who is assigned a final case alongside recently transferred David Mills, portrayed by Brad Pitt. Together, they confront a string of elaborate and grisly murders orchestrated by a serial killer, played by Kevin Spacey, who targets individuals he believes embody one of the seven deadly sins.
Holding a formidable 84% positive rating on Rotten Tomatoes from 153 reviews, Seven has drawn critical acclaim for its unnerving atmosphere and well-crafted suspense, described by reviewers as "extraordinarily dark," "utterly shocking," and a "stone cold classic." In the site's critical consensus, one reviewer noted the film's "brutal, relentlessly grimy shocker with taut performances, slick gore effects, and a haunting finale."
Recently, Fincher addressed a long-standing mystery surrounding the film's shocking finale, which features a pivotal moment where Detective Mills discovers that the serial killer has delivered his wife, played by Gwyneth Paltrow, in a box. Previously, various reports suggested that a prosthetic replica of Paltrow's head was used for the scene. However, Fincher was quick to debunk these claims during an interview with Entertainment Weekly, labeling them as "entirely ridiculous."
In his explanation, Fincher elaborated, saying, "I think we had a seven or eight-pound shot bag. We had done the research to figure out, if Gwyneth Paltrow's body mass index was X, what portion of that would be attributable to her head. And so we had an idea of what that would weigh, and I think there was a weight in it." Fincher further added, "And we did put a wig in there, so that when Morgan rips the box open, if there were some of this tape that was used to seal the box. I think it was a shot bag and a wig, and I think the wig had a little bit of blood in it, so some of the hair would stick together."
This admission has shed light not only on the intricate details behind one of the film's most famous scenes but also on Fincher's meticulous approach to filmmaking. Such dedication to authenticity is part of what has earned Seven its legendary status in the realm of thrillers.
Overall, fans and newcomers alike now have the opportunity to experience Seven on Netflix, where it is available to stream as of March 19, 2025. Its return signals a chance for audiences to indulge once more in the blend of psychological horror and moral dilemmas that defines Fincher's work.