CAGLIARI | March 18, 2025 - The cultural scene is set for March 20, 2025, with two significant book presentations honoring memory and history. Beginning at 5:30 PM, the cultural association L'Alambicco will host the presentation of the volume "Emilio Lussu, storia, memoria e narrazione" at the Fondazione di Sardegna, located at Via San Salvatore da Horta 2, Cagliari.
This book, curated by Alberto Cabboi and Gian Giacomo Ortu, delves deep into the writings of Emilio Lussu, examining them through the lens of memory. The initiative is part of the previews for the XI edition of the Emilio Lussu Prize Festival. According to the curators, "Di questi eventi - spiegano i curatori - Lussu non è stato mai semplice comparsa o spettatore, ma sempre attore protagonista. Per questo la memoria oggettiva si salda in lui con la memoria soggettiva, e i suoi scritti sono insieme racconto storico e testimonianza di vita vissuta. Queste potenzialità di scrittore testimone furono subito comprese e apprezzate da Gaetano Salvemini, come mostra la sua corrispondenza con Lussu che in questo volume viene raccolta," stated Cabboi, highlighting how Lussu was always more than just a bystander in the historical narrative.
Cabboi, also the director of the Museo storico "Emilio e Joyce Lussu" since 2006, has played a central role in curatorial practices surrounding Lussu’s works, along with Ortu, who brings forward his expertise as a former professor of modern history at the University of Cagliari. The public can look forward to engaging discussions following the presentations among experts such as Alessandro Macis, Giuseppe Caboni, and Mariangela Sedda.
Later on the same day, at 9:00 PM, the focus will shift to Paciano where the volume "TrasiMemo at Home. Dieci anni di antropologia, relazioni, prospettive" will be unveiled, celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Banca della Memoria del Trasimeno. This book is authored by Cinzia Marchesini and Daniele Parbuono, both anthropologists who pioneered the initiative of the memory bank founded on April 16, 2014.
"Il progetto - ricorda Marchesini - che fino ad oggi ha avuto come esito concreto un piccolo allestimento museale, un archivio web e l'attivazione di numerosi laboratori, è partito con una collaborazione tra l'Amministrazione comunale di Paciano e la Scuola di specializzazione in Beni demoetnoantropologici dell'Università degli Studi di Perugia," Marchesini noted, emphasizing the project's growth from its inception to today, showcasing the cooperative effort across various institutions.
Parbuono elaborated on the project's vision, stating, "Oggi TrasiMemo - aggiunge Parbuono - non è solo un progetto, non è solo un museo, non è solo un ecomuseo... ha come obiettivo principale quello di salvaguardare, per rilanciare nel contemporaneo e possibilmente verso il futuro, forme di memoria delle pratiche e dei saperi artigianali..." His insights provide clarity on how TrasiMemo is more than just a repository; it’s aimed at preserving and revitalizing local culture and crafts.
The event will also feature contributions from various local dignitaries and experts, including Patrizia Cirino from the Ministry of Culture, and Massimiliano Minelli from the University of Perugia. They will join other prominent figures such as Luca Dini, the Mayor of Paciano, and Leandro Ventura, Director of the Central Institute for Intangible Heritage.
These twin presentations are not merely literary events; they signify larger movements toward preserving history and culture via literature. The Comune di Paciano has taken concrete steps by investing in the publication of this relevant work, aiming to celebrate and share the intellectual heritage developed over these past ten years.
For those interested, more can be learned through the accompanying webinar available at this link:
Both events are open to the public, inviting community members not only to witness history but also to partake actively in the discussions surrounding it. They offer glimpses of how memory serves not just as reflection but as active engagement with our cultural fabric.