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12 September 2024

Covid Inquiry Reveals Shocking Healthcare Treatment

Testimonies from frontline workers expose grave risks and neglect during pandemic response

Covid Inquiry Reveals Shocking Healthcare Treatment

The UK Covid-19 Inquiry has brought to light serious concerns about the treatment of healthcare workers during the pandemic, particularly focusing on nurses and pharmacists who faced significant challenges. The inquiry, which is currently examining the impact of Covid-19 on healthcare systems across the UK, has been hearing testimonies from various groups, including the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) and the National Pharmacy Association (NPA).

During the inquiry, Fenella Morris KC, representing the RCN, articulated the unacceptable risks faced by nurses. "Healthcare professionals described feeling like lambs to the slaughter," she stated, underscoring how the inadequacy of staffing and personal protective equipment (PPE) left nurses vulnerable to the virus. Morris pointed out the pre-existing workforce crisis, asserting, "A workforce crisis was well entrenched in the health and care service before the pandemic struck, and it significantly impacted the ability of the UK to appropriately prepare for the impact the pandemic would have."

The RCN’s submission highlighted shocking reports where members had to reuse single-use equipment, and some even cleaned used gowns with alcohol wipes. There were significant problems with PPE distribution and fit, particularly affecting women and minority ethnic staff. Morris warned, "It placed healthcare workers at unacceptable risk when faced with a novel pathogen," elaborated on the flawed assumption about how the virus was transmitted, leading to inadequate PPE provision.

Diya Sen Gupta KC, representing the Frontline Migrant Health Workers Group, pointed out the heightened risks for migrant healthcare workers, noting, "Figures from the first few months of the pandemic suggested 53% of the healthcare workers who died were migrants." She described these statistics as shocking and stressed they were preventable, citing systemic discrimination and neglect of these workers during the pandemic response.

Throughout the inquiry, testimonies have frequently pointed to chronic staffing issues exacerbated by austerity measures and inadequate funding for the NHS, which hindered its ability to respond effectively to the pandemic. Sen Gupta noted, "The disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on ethnic minority, migrant and precariously employed staff was apparent early on, yet there seems to have been little action taken to protect them."

The voices at the inquiry reflect not just the statistics but the personal toll of the pandemic on healthcare workers. Many nurses recounted the mental health challenges they faced, with high reports of PTSD and long Covid. Morris articulated the emotional burden carried by nurses, who often isolated themselves from their families to avoid infection. "Evidence shared with the inquiry highlights feelings of fear, panic, and the emotional and physical toll of dealing with death, pain, and suffering daily at levels they had never experienced before," she said.

These testimonies paint a troubling picture of the pandemic's impact on those at the frontlines. One poignant account came from Catherine Todd, who shared her painful experience of losing her newborn son shortly after birth. Todd was hospitalized with Covid-19 and restricted from being with her son Ziggy during his brief life. She revealed, "They told me they wouldn’t bring me in at the time because they wanted to reduce the risk of spreading Covid." Her son was born on July 21, 2021, and placed immediately under close watch, but by the time she was able to hold him, he had already passed away.

"All of our photos with him were taken in full PPE," Todd recounted, expressing confusion over the necessity of such measures at such a delicate moment. Despite the heartbreaking circumstances, Todd's testimony reflects both personal loss and broader systemic failures during the pandemic response.

The NPA has also highlighted how pharmacies were often overlooked throughout the pandemic. During their testimony, lawyer Lee John-Charles stressed, "Pharmacies played a pivotal role but were under-recognised." He emphasized the initial oversight of pharmacy staff concerning the Life Assurance Scheme for frontline workers, urging the inquiry to address these omissions thoroughly.

Many pharmacy teams resorted to sourcing their own PPE due to delays accessing it via NHS channels. John-Charles emphasized, "The supply of PPE was a challenge, and pharmacy teams put themselves at risk to help patients stay well." He called for recognition of the resilience and commitment of pharmacy staff, asserting the need to incorporate them effectively in future pandemic preparedness plans.

The overall findings and testimonies reflect widespread patterns of neglect and inadequate support for healthcare workers across various sectors during the pandemic. Many professionals have expressed concern over the lack of action taken initially to protect frontline staff and the lessons yet to be learned from these experiences. The inquiry continues, serving as both a platform for voicing these grievances and as a vehicle for accountability and reform moving forward.

With healthcare workers bearing the brunt of the pandemic's impact, the question remains: how will this inquiry influence future health policies and our preparedness for inevitable crises to come?

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