Today : Oct 26, 2024
26 October 2024

Corporate Renewable Energy Adoption Surges With International Collaboration

French businesses spotlight commitment to Vietnam's green growth at GEFE 2024 event

Across the globe, companies are stepping up their game when itcomes to adopting renewable energy sources and working towarddecarbonization. The push for greener energy and lowering greenhouse gasemissions has gained significant momentum, especially among corporateentities striving to meet ever-growing environmental standards. A recentgathering of minds at the Green Economy Forum & Exhibition (GEFE) 2024in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, highlighted just how committed Frenchbusinesses are to supporting Vietnam’s green growth ambitions.

The Vietnamese government has set ambitious goals, aspiring forcarbon neutrality by 2050. This aligns with global trends, as businessesworldwide recognize the urgent need to pivot to sustainable practices. AtGEFE 2024, hosted by the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry ofVietnam (CCIFV), over 15 exhibitors and 12 high-level speakers Rallied toshowcase innovations aimed at bolstering Vietnam’s move toward asustainable future.

"We are honored to be key connectors, bringing togethercompanies, ideas, and strategies capable of propelling Vietnam's greeneconomy forward," shared CCIFV President Thibaut Giroux during theevent.

Among the various enterprises showcasing their technologies at theforum, Artelia, known for its commitment to low-carbon solutions, voiceda clear ambition to be pivotal in Vietnam’s net-zero transition. BenoitClocheret, the company’s chairman, expressed their resolve to combineFrench expertise with local know-how, thereby enhancing the impact. "Ourlow-carbon mobility solutions successfully implemented in French citiescould be employed to decrease emissions on the urban streets of Vietnam,"he stated.

Meanwhile, Michelin has made impressive strides, reporting a 56%reduction in CO2 emissions within Vietnam this past year. This ambitiousplan is part of the tire giant’s larger strategy to also source 40% of itsraw materials from renewable or recycled sources by 2030. This extensivecommitment, paired with substantial funding of €1.2 billion allocated forresearch and development, reinforces its standing as a leader indelivering sustainable solutions.

Green growth is not exclusive to Michelin and Artelia. CMA CGMGroup, recognized as pioneers of alternative fuels within the shippingindustry, solidified their commitment to achieving net-zero carbonemissions by 2050. The firm has recently initiated its "Switch toE-Motorbike" program aimed at fostering e-mobility solutions.

Other notable participants at the event included Aden, which hasnurtured partnerships with local organizations for 25 years, voicingenthusiasm for supporting Vietnamese companies eager to transition todecarbonized practices. Illustrative of the prevailing partnerships, therepresentatives shared, "We have always believed in Vietnam’s potentialand are excited to support its net-zero goals through collaborativeefforts."

From solar energy innovations to renewable energy projects,companies like IDSUD Energies are dedicated to guiding Vietnam’sbusinesses as they embrace greener energy solutions. This new entrant inthe Vietnamese market aims to sustain both financial and operationalcapabilities within solar photovoltaic plants.

Green Yellow’s contributions to the renewable energy spacein Vietnam cannot be overlooked. With investments amounting to €103million, their installation of over 1.2 million square meters ofphotovoltaic panels translates to energy powering 8,300 homes each year,as well as reducing CO2 emissions by 147,000 tonnes—an accomplishmentcorresponding to planting approximately 3.3 million trees.

Highlighting the importance of international collaboration, HAD—ajoint venture specializing in hydropower—plans to undertake renewableenergy projects with local Vietnamese partners. Their work underlines theneed for solidifying connections as the country advances toward greenerenergy.

The GEFE 2024 Forum has underscored the potential for synergiesbetween nations working toward common sustainability goals. TheEuropean Union and Vietnam’s future collaboration aims to portray theimportance of sharing resources and knowledge. This was evident duringdiscussions highlighting the interplay between green energy, sustainability,and urban mobility.

Across the ocean, U.S. corporate sectors record similar movestoward incorporating renewable energy. This corporate shift isgathering steam, with experts projecting the green ammonia market'sgrowth to burgeon significantly up to 2033. Clean, renewable energyinitiatives are becoming prerequisites, ensuring companies evolve alongthe path of sustainability.

The commentary surrounding renewable energy adoption routinelycalls out the tenets of ‘replace, electrify, and reduce’ as three keypillars for corporate entities transitioning to greener practices. Withgrowing reliance on technologies such as artificial intelligence, whichlooks to increase data center energy demands drastically, it’s clear theway forward needs to be paved by innovative solutions.

Electricity 4.0 redefines how energy sectors confront thesechallenges, combining digitization with electrification to create moreefficient systems. With these paradigms at play, the toolkit forcorporate renewable energy adoption is far from limited—it’s opening upauthentic avenues for sustainable growth.

While the world’s climate objectives can appear overwhelming,companies across industries are inevitably recognizing the long-termbenefits of shifting focus to sustainability. The trailblazers within theFrench and Vietnamese business sphere exemplify the potential forsuccess.

And as efforts to battle climate change and uphold sustainablepractices rally corporate giants to engineer environmentally-friendlystrategies, it becomes abundantly clear: the commitment to renewalenergy is not just beneficial—it's increasingly becoming the only wayforward. With climate goals on the horizon, collaboration andinnovation will drive the world toward lasting impact and improvement.

Corporate landscapes are sure to undergo transformations as morebusinesses actively participate. Transitioning to renewable energy anddecarbonization has proven to be the path many are choosing to strideupon. The question remains—how will these developing partnershipscontinue to evolve?

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