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Arts & Culture
06 March 2025

Controversy Erupts Over ‘Muawiya’ Series Premiere This Ramadan

Critics condemn historical inaccuracies and sectarian narratives within high-budget drama.

Since its announcement for the Ramadan 2025 season, the series "Muawiya" has stirred widespread controversy across popular, media, and political circles, even before the holy month commenced after two years of delay. Rada Abdel Wahed, the Dean of the Faculty of Media at Al-Azhar University, remarked, "The series has faced significant opposition for portraying the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, which is something Al-Azhar rejects, even though it is not the regulatory body for broadcasts."

Abdel Wahed pointed out the agreement among Al-Azhar officials to prohibit the portrayal of prophets and companions because of their special status. He adds, "These narratives can be presented within research centers and educational institutions instead." "Muawiya" is an Arabic historical series initiated during Ramadan of 2025, detailing the life of Muawiya bin Abi Sufyan, the founder of the Umayyad state in Damascus. The narrative covers the time following the assassination of the third Caliph, Uthman bin Affan, the ascendance of Ali bin Abi Talib to the caliphate, and the ensuing conflicts, leading to the notable events of the time, including the martyrdom of Imam Hussein.

The series boasts an astonishing production budget of approximately $100 million, marking it as potentially the most expensive production in the history of Arabic drama. Iraq’s media authority has already imposed a ban on airing the series within its borders, officially requesting the blocking of any broadcasts from MBC (the presenting channel), implying potential legal actions against violators of the media regulations. Dr. Abd al-Fattah al-Awari, from the Egyptian Scholars Authority, articulated disapproval of depicting companions of the Prophet, saying it is unacceptable religiously, as characters like Muawiya, who was one of the writers of divine revelations, should not be represented artistically.

With filming completed back in July 2022, social media platforms erupted upon the series' release, featuring tweets filled with both criticism and some support, with concerns around dangerous sectarian rhetoric surfacing as well. Critics have voiced doubts about the depiction of historical facts, raising alarms about glorifying Muawiya, amid accusations of altering narratives based on sectarian contexts. Khaled Salah, the series writer, stated, "My choice of the character Muawiya is fundamentally due to him being not merely a historical figure, but pivotal to the major transformations of Islamic history." Salah emphasized, "Drama is not about pleasing everyone; it’s about posing questions for us to ponder our history more deeply."

The series attempts to convey the complex interactions between differing Islamic sects, particularly between Ali’s followers and Muawiya’s faction. Salah notes, "The objective is to present true characters with their contradictions, successes, and failures, enabling viewers to form independent judgments after witnessing the representation of these historical figures." He has also expressed frustration at the fears surrounding the series being exaggerated and believes history is too significant to be relegated to simplistic binaries.

A notable point of critique surrounds the dialogue; many assert it lacks emotional depth and fails to include substantial character development. Some viewers compared it unfavorably against the grand expectations set by its production values. The representation of characters’ clothing and settings is another contentious issue, where historical inaccuracies prompted critiques, leading some commentators to recommend employing local talents for authentic portrayals instead of distant actors.

While the series offers impressive visuals and showcases the dramatic potential of Islamic history, many remain anxious about the impact, particularly how nuanced historical figures might be inadequately explored. Addressing critiques from various scholars, Salah mentioned, "Handling historical figures is one of our primary aims, relying on several key historical sources to present varying perspectives and aiming for balance. This balance does not omit the hard truths present during such transformative periods, aimed at steering clear of sectarian narratives."

After the first episodes premiered, social media reactions split almost evenly between detractors and supporters, with some viewers recognizing the ambition of the project yet lamenting the oversights articulated by historians. Consistently there are mentions of disconnect between the dramatic presentation and the realities of the early Islamic period, including the misrepresentations of major battles. Salah has stated, "Understanding our past is key to our present, without falling prey to divisive narratives."

This culturally charged tale of Muawiya is not just about his personality but reflects broader themes inherent within the historical evolution of Islamic societies. Balancing sensitivity within the diverse audience is no small task, especially considering the historical weight of the portrayed events. Moving forward, the show must navigate the tricky waters between representation and the reality of its characters, which have echoed through generations of believers and historians alike. Despite the roadblocks faced by the series, it undoubtedly serves as both entertainment and conversation starter for many.

Much remains to be seen as the series progresses, raising both anticipation and skepticism about its portrayal of one of Islamic history's most stirring figures, Muawiya bin Abi Sufyan. The art of storytelling may yet face its challenges, but as Salah affirms, it remains one of the most honest ways to dissect history’s multilayered fabric.