Recruit Holdings, located in Chiyoda, Tokyo, will host an engaging exhibition featuring four talented artists: Ayaka Ura, Yuya Koyama, Shiori Futatsugi, and Ayaka Miyata. The exhibition is part of their initiative known as BUG, which aims to create numerous collaborative activities and events within the art community.
The exhibition, titled "同伴分動態" or "Together, Separately Dynamic," runs from April 2 to May 6, 2025, and will showcase elements encouraging interaction among visitors and artists. The BUG space will include workshop areas, small gardens, and designated calm spaces—a response to the need for quiet time amid stimulating activities.
Each artist has been carefully chosen due to their commitment to community engagement through their work. Ayaka Ura, born in 1992, focuses on participatory performance art, having exhibited works like "Multi-Task" in 2023. Meanwhile, Yuya Koyama, born 1989, examines methods of interaction and the visibility of bodily engagement, showcasing his work as part of the International Art Festival.
Shiori Futatsugi, born 1993, blends personal narrative with performance and visual elements, contributing collaborative projects showcasing others' expressions. Finally, Ayaka Miyata, who studied textiles and fashion design, engages with historical practices, creating community around traditional crafts.
BUG was inspired by collaborative discussions among various artists and art workers since 2022. One of the goals of BUG is not solely to hold exhibitions but also to host various events where the dynamics of collective actions can be explored. "We want to encounter countless happenings," describes their mission, advocating for vibrant collaboration.
This exhibition emphasizes the importance of shared experiences as artists display works stemming from supporting each other's expressions and community efforts. The idea of moving together yet retaining individual freedom captures the essence of "同伴分動態," illustrating the beauty of collaboration.
The initiative explicitly addresses how artistic practices can transcend traditional boundaries and intersect with community engagement—an approach tying back to the concept of art centers as dynamic spaces. Visitors are invited to immerse themselves not only in the art but also within the collaborative processes at play.
Located conveniently near several transport links, BUG makes access easy for those eager to experience this unique exhibition. The organization also aims to inspire future collaborations through the exchange of ideas, fostering continuous dialogue between artists and the community.
Participants are expected to gain insights through workshops and discussions, prompting new questions about shared practices and methods of creativity. This aspect of the exhibition invites the community to engage with the artists and to explore their individual and collective artistic expressions.
The exhibition serves as not just an event but as part of a larger movement aimed at social connection via the arts. Following the success of prior discussions and workshops since 2022, BUG is committed to remaining at the forefront of artistic dialogue and collaborative practices.
The inclusion of spaces within the venue for reflection and calmness will attract individuals who seek respite from the engaging yet stimulating environment. For those involved, this initiative offers both permanence and flexibility—illustrative of Ura's quote on moving together separately.
By providing free entry, BUG aims to engage anyone interested, breaking down the traditional barriers to accessing art and prompting organic interactions among all attendees. Within this framework, artists leverage their unique skills to curate experiences grounded in shared values and aspirations.
With the exhibition pushing the boundaries of how audiences interact with art, participants are encouraged to think about community-driven practice. These aims align not only with the inclusive philosophy at BUG but also with the personal practices of each artist involved.
Overall, "同伴分動態" at BUG presents not just art but also the promise of community, connection, and collective imagination. This focus on bringing together diverse people to act creatively underlines the significant role art can play within society.
With excitement building for this event, it is clear the lines between creators and spectators will blur as collaboration takes center stage. Visitors can look forward to witnessing how dynamic and engaging artistic expression can manifest through shared experience.