On Christmas Eve, an ordinary night turned chaotic as two local men found themselves at the center of an armed standoff with police during a pharmacy burglary at the Fountain Hill Pharmacy. The incident unfolded shortly after 9 p.m. when police responded to an activated burglar alarm, leading to tensions on Broadway as law enforcement converged upon the scene.
The men charged with the crime have been identified as Miguel Angel Martinez, 56, from Allentown, and David Montes Vazquez, 33, hailing from Bethlehem. Both face multiple serious charges, including felony burglary and felony possession of firearms by individuals prohibited from having them.
According to the Lehigh County District Attorney’s office, the incident took a dangerous turn when one of the men allegedly pointed a gun at a responding Fountain Hill officer. The officer, acting to protect himself, opened fire. Fortunately, neither of the suspects was injured by police gunfire, and the situation escalated from there.
Reports indicate Vazquez then fired several shots from inside the pharmacy, with two bullets reportedly piercing the window of a nearby occupied home. Residents were left shaken, with one family recalling how they narrowly escaped being hit by flying bullets as they prepared for the holiday. “It doesn’t seem real,” said Shannon Aloise-Gill, who was at her home directly across the street from the pharmacy when the chaos erupted. Her husband, Charles, was placing Christmas presents under their tree when they heard glass shatter.
“We were calling back and forth wondering what it could be,” Aloise-Gill recounted. “My brain clicked over to serious mode and we went to the basement.” The couple took refuge for over two hours as police managed the situation, issuing shelter-in-place orders for nearby residents.
With numerous law enforcement officers stationed around the area and at least one armed tactical unit deployed, it was around 11 p.m. when the standoff concluded peacefully. The two suspects eventually surrendered without firing more shots, with authorities relieved to avoid escalation.
Authorities later revealed their investigation indicated Martinez and Vazquez had broken in to steal medications, vandalizing the pharmacy by spray painting over surveillance cameras during their intrusion. The alarming sequence of events left the community reeling, especially as the nearby families grappled with the reality of bullets flying so close to home.
Police reported recovering evidence from the scene, including a 9mm handgun and five discharged 9mm cartridge casings. The incident has since become part of the standard use of force investigation, assessing whether the officer’s actions aligned with protocol. The investigatory process involves the Fountain Hill Police Detective Raymond Anthony and detectives from the Lehigh County Homicide Task Force.
Both Martinez and Vazquez have been arraigned and are currently held at Lehigh County Jail, each facing bail set at $750,000. Their preliminary hearings are slated for December 31 at 9:45 a.m. at Lehigh County District Court.
The response to the terrifying incident was comprehensive, involving local police departments from Allentown, South Whitehall, and Bethlehem, as well as the Pennsylvania State Police Forensic Services Unit and Lehigh County’s Emergency Response Team. Their collective efforts ensured the safety of the surrounding community during the alarming standoff.
Aloise-Gill humorously reflected on their harrowing experience, quipping, “It’s a very ‘Die Hard’ Christmas,