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28 July 2024

Chinese Scientists Uncover Highest Energy Gamma-Ray Ever Recorded

Research from GRB 221009A reveals new insights into cosmic phenomena

Chinese scientists from the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) at the Chinese Academy of Sciences have recently achieved a groundbreaking discovery in astrophysics. They have detected a gamma-ray line with an energy level reaching up to 37 million electron volts (MeV), marking it as the highest energy gamma-ray spectral line ever observed from celestial objects. This remarkable finding came from studying the brightest gamma-ray burst recorded in history, known as GRB 221009A, which was detected on October 9, 2022. The breakthrough has significant implications for our understanding of the universe and the extreme phenomena within it.

The gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are among the most violent and energetic explosions that occur in the cosmos. These events can result from the core collapse of massive stars or from cataclysmic collisions between compact celestial bodies, such as neutron stars and black holes. The energy released during such bursts can surpass the energy output of entire galaxies, providing astronomers with a unique glimpse into the high-energy processes occurring in the universe.

The discovery was published as a cover story in the journal Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy. Xiong Shaolin, the lead author of the study and principal investigator of the GECAM series space telescopes, expressed that this discovery offers new and important insights that can help unravel the mysteries surrounding gamma-ray bursts and their associated relativistic jets.

The team's research involved extensive collaboration and data analysis from multiple telescopes. Two significant instruments played a vital role: the GECAM-C, an all-sky gamma-ray monitor dedicated to detecting GRBs, and the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. These telescopes worked together to analyze the gamma-ray emissions and characterize the spectral lines emitted during the bright light phase of GRB 221009A.

During their analysis, the researchers faced several challenges associated with the extreme brightness of the gamma-ray burst, which led to data loss in the Fermi/GBM detector. However, the GECAM-C telescope, designed specifically for such events, managed to gather crucial data that allowed the researchers to reconstruct the missing information. As a result, they were able to derive reliable spectra of the GRB, ultimately identifying the cosmic gamma-ray line that reached 37 MeV.

The study revealed that the energy of the gamma-ray line follows a power-law decay pattern over time, indicating that as the burst progresses, the energy dynamics change in a predictable manner. Additionally, the width of the gamma-ray line relative to its energy remained constant, suggesting potential underlying physical processes at play.

The implications of this discovery are profound, as it enhances the understanding of not only the GRB phenomenon itself but also the physics of high-energy processes in the universe. GRBs have been a focal point of astrophysical research since the first one was recognized in 1967. With advancements in technology and observational astronomy, scientists have increasingly been able to explore and understand these dramatic cosmic events.

This particular gamma-ray burst, GRB 221009A, has been a standout object of study due to its extraordinary brightness, allowing for unprecedented observations across a range of wavelengths. It has sparked considerable interest in the field of multi-messenger astronomy, which aims to combine various forms of data, including gravitational waves and electromagnetic radiation, to gain deeper insights into cosmic phenomena.

The findings not only reinforce the importance of international collaboration in scientific research but also highlight how advancements in observational techniques can lead to discoveries that challenge existing knowledge and inspire further inquiry into the universe’s mysteries. Scientists are now eager to follow up on this work to explore the mechanisms behind these bursts and their potential connections to other astrophysical phenomena.

As astronomical instruments continue to evolve and improve, the ability to detect and analyze high-energy events like gamma-ray bursts will expand, potentially leading to even more revolutionary discoveries in our quest to understand the cosmos.

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