BANDAI SPIRITS is set to launch its latest character lottery, the "Ichiban Kuji Chiikawa - Let’s Eat Ramen," starting January 24, 2025. This exciting collaboration event, priced at 750 yen per draw (tax included), is inspired by the popular manga series created by Nagano, which features lovable characters including Chiikawa, Hachiwari, and Usagi.
The Chiikawa series has gained recognition for its engaging storytelling and endearing illustrations, showcasing the everyday life and adventures of its characters. Fans of the series can look forward to this innovative lottery event, which will be available at locations such as Seven-Eleven, FamilyMart, MiniStop, Ito-Yokado, and the Ichiban Kuji official shops.
At the center of the lottery is the ramen shop "Rō," where characters often gather. The event includes several unique prizes, ranging from adorable figurines to practical items featuring charming designs. The highest prize, labeled as A prize, is the "Noodle Timer," which will chatter and notify users when it’s time to enjoy their ramen, making it both fun and functional. This timer will offer the added bonus of having space to place cup noodles behind it.
Other notable prizes include figurines representing the main characters—B prize features the Chiikawa figure, C prize showcases Hachiwari, and D prize depicts Usagi, each with unique expressions and details. The E prize comprises elegant glasses reminiscent of those at the Rō ramen shop, allowing fans to recreate the ramen experience at home.
Prize F includes a collection of jacquard towels, cleverly styled to resemble noren curtains when placed together. Meanwhile, the G prize features rubber coasters and half-round charm designs, allowing collectors to create their own fun displays. Finally, the H prize showcases stationery items inspired by the series, including pop-up memos and cute designs reminiscent of order sheets.
The lottery includes additional incentives, such as the "Last One Prize," which rewards the last winner with a special tissue case featuring Chiikawa enjoying ramen. A chance to win the Noodle Timer as part of the "Double Chance Campaign" is also offered, resulting from drawing the last ticket. This event is expected to attract significant attention and participation from fans eager to obtain these impressive themed items.
According to reports from BANDAI SPIRITS, the Ichiban Kuji series has proven to be immensely popular, providing fans with quality merchandise based on beloved characters. The "Let's Eat Ramen" edition is no exception, featuring 27 different types and 8 prize levels, ensuring there's something for everyone.
This event promises not just collectibles, but items fostering nostalgia and engagement with the heartwarming stories of Chiikawa and friends. Tickets will be available beginning January 24, 2025, with sales continuing until supplies last. Exploring the lively world of Chiikawa through this collaboration will surely delight fans of all ages, bringing them closer to their favorite characters and enhancing their everyday experiences.