Celebrations across Russia marked the Day of the Worker of the Penal System on March 12, honoring the dedication and achievements of the personnel within the Federal Penitentiary Service. Festivities took place mainly in the Kuzbass and Priamurye regions, where notable figures gathered to acknowledge the contributions of staff and veterans.
Deputy Governor Valery Dogadov attended the events alongside various leaders from legislative and executive authorities. The celebrations kicked off with award presentations to distinguished employees of the penal system and veterans. Awards included medals such as 'For Distinction in Service' and 'Veteran of the Penal System,' recognizing long-term service and commitment to the duties of the penal system.
Creative performances by cultural groups from Kuzbass and veterans of the penal system highlighted the day, showcasing the talents of those who have dedicated their lives to service. Such events reinforce the camaraderie and shared mission among the staff serving at the institutions.
Currently, the Kuzbass GFSIN comprises 19 correctional facilities, including women’s colonies and various types of detention centers. It has reached remarkable production volumes, amounting to 1 billion 753 million rubles from manufactured goods, which range from metal products to textiles, demonstrating the productive capacity of the penal institutions.
At the same time, the GFSIN serves over 7,000 individuals facing criminal charges, with more than 10,000 individuals serving different types of sentences related to community service or parole arrangements rather than incarceration.
Efforts continue within the Kemerovo region to provide extensive educational and vocational training through evening schools, technical colleges, and counseling centers. A system of probation, as mandated by federal law enacted on February 6, 2023, is being implemented to assist former convicts with societal reintegration by addressing employment needs and social ties—which are key to reducing recidivism.
Konstantin Bereznev, head of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Kemerovo region, expressed gratitude toward veterans during the celebrations: "Your experience, attitude to life, devotion to the Motherland, patriotic education of the younger generation help preserve the history of the department." His words resonate with the continuous efforts to instill principles of justice and rehabilitation among staff and inmates alike.
The regional UIS has faced increasing demands but continues to show resilience. Each day, UIS personnel take on the responsibility of maintaining order and security within the facilities, performing duties from supervising inmates to engaging them through rehabilitation programs. "Every day, UIS employees solve a huge number of tasks, ranging from ensuring security and order, to educational and social work with convicts," noted representatives from the Amur region UIS.
The history of this professional holiday traces back to the decree of Emperor Alexander II from 1879, establishing what would become the Main Prison Administration. Today, this legacy endures as the UIS evolves to meet contemporary challenges, focusing on creating environments conducive to rehabilitation.
Through the combination of celebration and reflection, the communities of Kuzbass and Priamurye strengthen their commitment to improving the lives of those within the penal system, standing as exemplars of resilience and dedication even amid challenges.
With teamwork and effective leadership, the Federal Penitentiary Service strives toward future developments, continuing to create opportunities for those reintegrated back to society after incarceration, fostering not just rehabilitation, but also a path toward societal contribution.