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14 July 2024

Can Off-World Biomanufacturing Sustain Human Space Missions?

Exploring the potential of biomanufacturing in supporting long-term human space exploration and the technologies that can revolutionize Earth industries.

The race to explore space has always been an exciting venture for humanity, but recent advancements in biotechnology have opened new doors to make these explorations more sustainable and efficient. This article sheds light on the significant findings and implications of utilizing off-world biomanufacturing to support human space missions, particularly to the Moon and Mars.

Imagine a scenario where astronauts can produce their food, medicines, and essential materials right on the extraterrestrial surfaces they are exploring. This concept, known as off-world biomanufacturing or bio-ISM, is becoming increasingly feasible with the advent of synthetic biology and bioprocess engineering. The research paper we are discussing provides a comprehensive analysis of how biological systems can be integrated with space exploration missions to enhance their autonomy, sustainability, and resilience.

To understand why this is so crucial, let's delve into the context and background of biomanufacturing in space. Traditional space missions rely heavily on supplies from Earth, which means frequent and costly resupply missions. The farther we go, like to Mars, the harder and more expensive these resupply missions become. This is where biomanufacturing steps in. By leveraging biological processes, astronauts can use locally available resources and recycle waste streams to produce necessary supplies, reducing the dependency on Earth.

Take, for example, the production of food. Transporting food from Earth for long-duration missions is not only impractical but also highly expensive. Biomanufacturing allows for the cultivation of microbial or plant-based foods using in situ resources, thus providing fresh and nutritious diets for astronauts. This process mimics Earth's biological cycles, ensuring a sustainable and resilient supply of food.

Another critical area is the production of medicines. Pharmaceutical compounds can be synthesized using engineered microorganisms, providing timely and necessary medical supplies without waiting for a resupply mission from Earth. This capability is especially important for long-duration missions where medical emergencies might arise.

The study highlights four primary mission classes for the Moon and Mars, each requiring unique biomanufacturing strategies based on the availability of in situ resources and logistical constraints. For instance, short-duration missions to the Moon with stable logistics can rely on carrying supplies from Earth. However, as missions become longer and more complex, the need for in situ biomanufacturing increases. On Mars, where resupply missions are infrequent and resources are more abundant compared to the Moon, biomanufacturing becomes essential for mission success.

The methods used in this study are meticulous, involving a techno-economic analysis (TEA) that compares different mission scenarios based on Equivalent Systems Mass (ESM). ESM is a metric that converts mass, volume, power, and crew-time into a single kilogram-equivalent value to estimate the cost and logistical feasibility of missions. This analysis allows researchers to determine the most efficient strategies for deploying biomanufacturing systems in space missions.

For example, the study finds that long-duration and long-distance missions have the highest ESM, making it crucial to optimize resource utilization and recycling. Fig. 2 from the study shows that air systems dominate the resource needs for Moon missions, while food systems are more critical for Martian missions. This insight helps tailor biomanufacturing approaches to specific mission needs, ensuring efficient use of resources and reducing overall mission costs.

One of the key findings of this research is the potential of plastics in biomanufacturing. The study reveals that plastics account for a significant portion of cargo mass in space missions. By producing bioplastics on-site using microbial processes, missions can reduce the need for transporting large quantities of materials from Earth. This not only saves space and weight but also enhances the mission's sustainability by recycling waste into valuable materials.

The significance of these findings extends beyond space exploration. The technologies developed for off-world biomanufacturing can also revolutionize industries on Earth. For instance, the production of bioplastics from waste-derived feedstocks can help mitigate environmental pollution and reduce dependency on fossil fuels. Moreover, the advancements in synthetic biology and metabolic engineering can lead to more sustainable and efficient bioprocesses, contributing to a circular bioeconomy.

However, the research also acknowledges the challenges and limitations of biomanufacturing in space. One major constraint is the need for specialized hardware and infrastructure to support microbial production systems in microgravity environments. The stressors of space, such as radiation and low gravity, can affect microbial growth and productivity. Therefore, extensive testing and optimization are required to ensure the reliability and efficiency of these systems in space conditions.

Moreover, the selection of microbial strains for biomanufacturing is critical. The study emphasizes the need to move beyond traditional model organisms like E. coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which are commonly used on Earth but may not be the best suited for space applications. Instead, researchers advocate for exploring non-model microbes with unique metabolic capabilities to utilize single-carbon feedstocks and other unconventional resources available off-world.

Practical implementation of off-world biomanufacturing requires a multi-disciplinary approach involving biology, chemistry, engineering, and logistics. It also necessitates collaboration between public and private sectors to develop scalable and cross-compatible systems. Long-term partnerships and dedicated R&D hubs, such as space-based research stations, are crucial for advancing these technologies and integrating them into future mission architectures.

In summary, off-world biomanufacturing presents a promising solution to the challenges of human space exploration. By harnessing the power of biological systems, we can create self-sustaining missions that are less reliant on Earth, more resilient, and more efficient. The research provides a roadmap for integrating biomanufacturing into space missions, offering insights into the necessary technologies, resource management strategies, and logistical considerations. As humanity prepares to venture deeper into space, these advancements will play a pivotal role in ensuring the success and sustainability of our extraterrestrial endeavors.

In the words of the researchers, "Biomanufacturing has the potential to provide integrated solutions for remote or austere locations, especially where supply chains for consumable and durable goods cannot operate reliably." As we look to the stars, the fusion of biology and technology offers a pathway to a more sustainable and resilient future, both on Earth and beyond.

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