When it come to school bus driving, few can boast the level of commitment and resilience displayed by Judith Maciá Pastor, who has devoted over ten years to the profession. Not only does her role involve ensuring the safety of young passengers, but she also exemplifies the spirit of community service amid challenges faced as a woman in this male-dominated sector.
Judith highlights the importance of proper training and qualifications necessary to operate a school bus. She notes, "Es un trabajo que exige no sólo habilidades técnicas, sino también una gran responsabilidad, ya que transportamos a los más pequeños." (It is a job requiring not only technical skills, but also great responsibility as we transport the most vulnerable.) Her commitment to safety is palpable, urging for more effective emergency protocols and continuous training. Judith firmly states, "La seguridad es nuestra prioridad absoluta" (Safety is our absolute priority).
Over her career, Judith has faced challenges, particularly concerning gender discrimination. Before becoming a mother, she encountered disparaging remarks at her workplace, such as notions about young women being risks due to potential pregnancies. This issue came to the forefront when she was dismissed upon announcing her second pregnancy during the pandemic. "Me dijeron que podría regresar después de dar a luz, pero fue un golpe duro" (I was told I could return after giving birth, but it was a tough blow), she recalls, showcasing the precarious position of women balancing work and motherhood.
Despite these trials, Judith remains optimistic, especially about her current role at Grupo Pamel, which values her experience and supports her work-life balance. "Desde hace tres años trabajo en Grupo Pamel, que valora mi experiencia y facilita la conciliación" (I have worked at Grupo Pamel for three years, which values my experience and facilitates work-life balance), she expresses, noting the encouraging trend of more women entering the transport field. Judith was even hired when she was seven months pregnant, receiving more support from this smaller company than at larger competitors.
Recently, Judith experienced the importance of community when volunteering after the catastrophic DANA storm across regions like Valencia and Algemesí. She chauffeured volunteers to assist those left devastated by the disaster, recalling streets filled with mud and debris. Upon helping unload donations, she was deeply moved when a mother, desperately seeking clothes for her baby, thanked the team with tears of gratitude. "Una madre vino con su bebé buscando ropa y nos agradeció entre lágrimas. Fue un momento que me recordó que, aunque mi labor principal es conducir, también puedo ser parte de algo más grande" (A mother came with her baby seeking clothes and thanked us through tears. It reminded me, even though my main work is driving, I can be part of something bigger), she reflects on the gravity of her contribution.
This reflective moment laid the foundations for Judith’s continued commitment to community. Days later, she joined fellow volunteers to help clean houses affected by the storm's aftermath. "La camaradería entre los voluntarios era inspiradora" (The camaraderie among the volunteers was inspiring), she notes, illustrating the human connection forged through service. Her experience served as a reminder of the profession’s possible intersection with community solidarity and hope.
Judith Maciá's story is not just about driving; it's about her unwavering dedication to children’s safety and her role as part of the community, especially during times of crisis. Her commitment prevails through personal as well as professional challenges, reminding us all of the human spirit behind such seemingly everyday responsibilities.
With more women like Judith embracing their roles and advocating for workplace equality, the future looks brighter for all those stepping behind the wheel. She emphasizes, "Esto me hizo reflexionar sobre cómo mi profesión también puede contribuir a la solidaridad y esperanza" (This made me reflect on how my profession can also contribute to solidarity and hope). Judith’s narrative is not only inspiring; it's also imperative, exhibiting the strength and resolve required to drive forward not just buses, but communities as well.