Today : Mar 16, 2025
16 March 2025

Blizzard Warnings Issued For Hokkaido Towns Urakawa, Samani, And Erimo

Authorities caution residents to prepare for severe weather conditions and heavy snowfall this weekend.

The Meteorological Agency has issued blizzard warnings for Urakawa Town, Samani Town, and Erimo Town, located in Hokkaido, as of March 16, 2025, at 6:04 PM. Along with blizzard warnings, heavy snow warnings were also declared for Erimo Town. The agency has also issued wave warnings for all three towns.

Authorities are urging residents of the Hidaka region to remain alert for blizzards and heavy snowfall starting from the early hours of March 17, 2025, until just before noon of the same day. Similarly, warnings for high waves are also anticipated from the early hours until just after noon.

Specifically, for Urakawa Town, the blizzard warning will be effective from the early hours of March 17 until just before noon, with wind expected to peak from the northeast direction at maximum speeds of 20m/s on land and 25m/s at sea. The corresponding wave warning indicates predicted maximum wave heights of 6 meters for the same time frame.

For Samani Town, the same blizzard alert applies, with identical expected conditions of wind speed as well as the wave warnings. Authorities are advising residents to prepare adequately for severe weather conditions.

Erimo Town has been issued both blizzard and heavy snow warnings. The blizzard warning is effective during the same time frame, with maximum wind speeds once again expected to reach 20m/s on land and 25m/s at sea. The heavy snow warning predicts snowfall of about 50 centimeters within 12 hours, particularly affecting the Kitakogane Road.

Caution is also being urged for potential avalanches through March 18, 2025.

The Meteorological Agency encourages residents throughout the affected areas to stay informed about the rapidly changing weather conditions and to take necessary precautions to stay safe during this period of severe weather.