Perry, the beloved miniature donkey who inspired Eddie Murphy’s character Donkey from the popular Shrek franchise, has passed away at the age of 30. The news was confirmed by his handler, Jenny Kiratli, on January 2, 2025. Perry was euthanized after battling laminitis, a painful hoof disease.
For over three decades, Perry was a cherished resident of Bol Park pasture, where he became well-known among locals and animal lovers alike. According to Kiratli, one of the animators working on Shrek learned about Perry through his wife, who suggested visiting the donkey due to his characterization as the film’s Donkey. This led to multiple animators visiting the pasture to observe Perry’s mannerisms and personality, which played a significant role in shaping the character of Donkey. "Perry was described as a ‘special donkey’ with a ‘sweet and gentle disposition,’" as noted by The Barron Park Donkey Project.
While the original Shrek films were released between 2001 and 2010, the franchise has remained alive, with Eddie Murphy recently announcing his continuation of the Donkey character. Murphy revealed last year, "We started doing Shrek 4 or [Shrek] 5 months ago... we’re doing Donkey as well." His enthusiasm for reviving Donkey has fueled excitement among fans, especially with the upcoming Shrek 5, which is scheduled for release on July 1, 2026, coinciding with the franchise's 25th anniversary.
This much-anticipated sequel promises to bring back the original voices, including Murphy, Mike Myers, and Cameron Diaz, who all contributed to the box office success and cultural impact of the series. Shrek 5 is expected to draw on its rich history of storytelling and humor, continuing the beloved ogre's tale.
Besides Shrek 5, Murphy is also set to star in a standalone film focused on Donkey. With both projects on the horizon, the legacy of Perry is ever relevant as the inspiration for one of animation’s most endearing characters. Fans of the franchise can anticipate new adventures with Donkey and hope to see how his story evolves with future installments.
Perry’s passing has been felt deeply within the community and among fans of the Shrek franchise. His gentle spirit and the joy he brought to those who met him will not be forgotten as the characters he helped create continue to resonate across generations. Murphy's forthcoming roles showcase not just the revival of popular characters but also extend Perry’s influence as the original muse behind Donkey.
While the news of Perry's death is sad for many, it is important to celebrate his life and recognize the impact he made on the world of animation. With the new Shrek film and the standalone Donkey movie on the way, Perry's legacy will live on through the laughter and joy he inspired.