On February 27, 2025, Belén Martínez Carbonell, the Secretary General of the European External Action Service (EEAS), issued a powerful statement marking World NGO Day. This day serves as a reminder of the pivotal role civil society organizations play in upholding democracy, promoting human rights, and fostering sustainable development across the globe.
Carbonell’s statement came at a time when the very foundation of civil society is facing unprecedented challenges. She emphasized, "A resilient civil society is democracy’s strongest shield against authoritarianism. Their courage lights the way – our duty is to ensuren they are never silenced." This assertion highlights the importance of civil society as not only participants but also defenders of democratic values and freedoms.
The threats to civil society are manifold and increasingly severe. Workers within these organizations, as well as human rights defenders, often navigate environments rife with online and offline attacks. These include state surveillance, legal persecution, and violent repression aimed at stifling dissent. Carbonell reported, "Laws intended to silence dissent impose funding restrictions and bureaucratic hurdles, making it ever harder for civil society to operate." Such measures not only weaken these organizations but also undermine the trust and support they have established within communities and to the states they work with.
These threats aren’t confined to one region or country. Across the globe, autocratic regimes extend their tactics to suppress dissenting voices, linking civil society actions with foreign interests to delegitimize their work. Carbonell pointed out this alarming trend, warning of the frequent labeling of civil society as foreign agents or enemies of the state—a deliberate strategy to erode public support and trust.
Recognizing these issues, the European Union has taken significant steps to safeguard civil society’s interests. The EU adopted the Global Europe Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) program, allocating €1.5 billion for the period from 2021 to 2027 under the NDICI-Global Europe framework. This program aims to provide financial resources and advocate for civil society organizations operating outside the European Union.
Further, beginning 2024, the EU has partnered with a consortium of nine CSOs to launch the EU System for an Enabling Environment for Civil Society (EU SEE). With a budget of €50 million, this initiative will monitor and support civil society across 86 countries by implementing early warning systems, allowing for flexible financial assistance to bolster resilience and swiftly respond to changes affecting civic space.
Concrete measures taken by the EU include the establishment of nine framework partnerships focused on enhancing freedoms of association, assembly, and expression. Currently, four projects totaling €27 million are underway, emphasizing empowerment of civil society through the protection of democratic rights and the promotion of independent media initiatives.
Another notable initiative is the Team Europe Democracy initiative, which brings together 14 EU Member States along with the union itself, investing €19 million to swing efforts strategically toward supporting democracy. This multifaceted approach includes cooperation with civil society partners, think tanks, and international organizations to advance civic and political participation.
Since its inception, ProtectDefenders.eu has played a significant role, assisting over 80,000 at-risk human rights defenders and their families. Just last year, they provided support to more than 10,000 high-risk defenders, 56% of whom were women. This comprehensive approach not only offers direct financial assistance but also temporary relocation, training, capacity development, and advocacy services.
The importance of fostering environments conducive to civil society operations extends even to the EU's enlargement policy. Through the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III), the EU has committed more than €350 million for civil society and media initiatives within the Western Balkans and Türkiye from 2021 to 2025. This demonstrates the EU’s commitment not just to existing member states but also to those aspiring for future membership, reinforcing democratic values across borders.
Further backing for civil society is allocated under the NDICI Thematic Programmes for Human Rights and Democracy, as well as through targeted regional actions facilitating over €250 million directed at supporting civil societies and independent media efforts within the Eastern Neighbourhood.
On this World NGO Day, as Carbonell reiterated, it is imperative for all stakeholders to reaffirm solidarity with civil society organizations. The days of relentless attacks against these groups cannot remain unchallenged. The EU stands firm, ready to deploy its diplomatic and financial resources to safeguard the freedoms necessary for civil society to thrive and continue its noble work.