Renowned Russian showman Azamat Musagaliev recently opened up about his life-threatening battle with bronchial asthma, which he faced during his childhood. Speaking candidly on his recent project aired on VK-video, Musagaliev recounted the stark realities of his youth, where the diagnosis nearly defined his existence.
The emotional weight of his illness began when he was very young. "I suffered from severe bronchial asthma, which meant I couldn’t even move, or else I would spend sleepless nights gasping for air," Azamat reflected, as he spoke of the challenges he and his family faced during those trying times. His mother, always by his side, sacrificed her social life to care for her son. Musagaliev shared with the audience how her unwavering support turned the hospital rooms they frequented together, often for three to four months at a time, infused with deep emotional bonds, but also marked by pain and helplessness.
More than just personal recollections, Musagaliev’s stories serve as a tribute to the persistent love of his mother. "I even overheard the doctors saying it could be fatal, and I watched my mom cry," he said. At one point, young Azamat found himself disheartened by the gravity of his health issues. "I thought to myself, 'Well, I guess I wasn't meant to succeed,'" he recalled, highlighting the heavy burden he carried throughout his childhood.
Musagaliev explained how his childhood experiences also led him to acquire the status of disability. His mother's tireless efforts contributed significantly to his health care. Notably, he mentioned how he eventually learned to simulate wheezing, extending the validity of his medical documents. "The doctors believed I was still struggling. They renewed my disability papers every year, based on the convincing wheezes I would conjure," he chuckled, showcasing his quick wit even when discussing serious matters.
Reflecting on familial relationships, he recounted his father's struggles, who had his own health issues stemming from injuries suffered during his youth. Musagaliev spoke of one particularly harrowing memory when, at the age of twelve, he was forced to assist his father during a medical emergency. "Dad came home with his arm hanging awkwardly. He told me to prepare some items for surgery. I was terrified but I followed his instructions to help him out. I managed to extract the metal splint from his arm," he described shakingly, recalling the mixed feelings of fear and pride.
Tragedy struck when Musagaliev lost his father at the tender age of sixteen. This loss had an undeniable impact on the young man and his family, pushing them closer together during dark times. "We supported each other through our grief," he shared, with audible emotion. The comedian recognizes how his family dynamics helped shape the person he has become today and the work ethic he maintains, which he attributes to seeking validation from his father, whom he can no longer impress.
Despite his tumultuous childhood, Musagaliev has thrived. He is currently happily married to his long-time love, Victoria, since 2008, even before his rise to prominence. They proudly parent three children together, ensuring his own experiences influence the compassionate way they raise their family.
Musagaliev's recent openness about his health struggles is more than just a reflection of his past; it is also part of his larger narrative as he embarks on new projects, including the latest series of his show "A. M." With this project, he aims to share the genuine story of his life, allowing fans to glimpse the honest, often painful paths he has navigated to achieve his current success.
The rising comedian has also been under scrutiny for refusing to engage in certain public antics, such as playing football with journalist Otar Kushanashvili. He publicly stated, "I simply do not want to, and honestly, unlike me, he doesn’t work enough to have time for fun." This remark showcases his commitment to his work and family over public persona.
Musagaliev exemplifies resilience through adversity, demonstrating how childhood challenges can forge incredible strength and determination. The comedian’s ability to share his story sheds light on the universal themes of love, sacrifice, and relentless pursuit of life’s joys, no matter the obstacles faced.