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11 March 2025

Australian Survivor: Brains V Brawn II Heated Alliances Tested Again

New alliances emerge as tribal tensions reach boiling point leading to shocking eliminations.

Australian Survivor has once again captivated audiences with the latest dramatic twists and turns of its tenth season, Brains v Brawn II. Episode 11 showcased the complexity of alliances and gameplay, with pivotal decisions marking the way forward for the remaining survivors.

The episode begins as the Brawn 2.0 tribe returns to camp after the shocking vote-off of Noonan, with tensions high and suspicions brewing. Karin’s frustration boils over toward AJ, who she believes has severely jeopardized their alliance by keeping his hidden immunity idol secret. "His actions have potentially blown up the alliance completely," she confides, visibly annoyed at AJ's lack of transparency. Meanwhile, Logan, eagerly plotting AJ’s demise, relishes the idea of watching her nemesis squirm.

Things take a turn when the Brains 2.0 tribe miserably fails the immunity challenge, completing it in record time—merely two minutes. Claims of foul play circulate, particularly as some tribe members, including Ben and Jesse, appear to throw the challenge intentionally. The challenge serves as setup for the pivotal strategic discussions to follow.

With stakes rising, Kate and Morgan, previously on the sidelines, seize the opportunity to shake things up. They approach the original Brains members, Laura and Zara, proposing to create the "Girls Gone Wild" alliance, aimed at flipping the power dynamics. "If we merge with the Brawn strong, we’re handing control straight to the guys," Kate articulates, highlighting their shared determination to shift the balance of power from the male-dominant alliance.

Jesse, having sensed something amiss, begins strategizing with Myles about implementing a split vote focusing on Laura and her perceived threat. Kate and Morgan, savvy to Jesse's moves, plot against him to redirect the votes to Jesse instead, showcasing the rapidly shifting loyalties at play.

The atmosphere thickens as Laura stumbles across information about her advantage, which states whoever receives the most votes at tribal will instead be sent to the Brawn tribe. Instead of relishing this newfound power, she finds herself at odds with Zara, who becomes irate at the strategic disclosure. "I’d never have done this to her," Laura later admits, frustrated with Zara’s reaction at tribal.

During tribal council, the tension reaches its peak. Each player is shrouded deeply within their strategies, anxiously waiting for the fate of their alliance to be decided. After Laura reveals her advantage to the tribe, positioning it as beneficial for their collective, they soon have to face the reality of their fragmented loyalties. Finally, when the votes are read, Zara receives the majority and is sent packing to the Brawn tribe, leaving Laura seething with disbelief over her former ally's betrayal.

"I never thought it would come to this," Laura asserts post-tribal, contemplating her standing and the precariousness of trust within these fractured alliances. Zara, on her way to what she hopes is reintegration with the Brawn tribe, conveys through her giddiness to find her old allies. Meanwhile, Laura's anger boils under the surface, leaving her prepared to retaliate should she make it to merge.

The episode serves as yet another demonstration of how tightly woven the game of Survivor can be, showcasing not just the physical skills needed to survive challenges but the incessant game of strategy, negotiation, and betrayal. The next episode promises to bring more intensity as allegiances continue to shift and secrets lurk, all under the watchful eyes of the audience.

Australian Survivor: Brains v Brawn II continues Monday-Tuesday at 7.30 pm and Sundays at 7 pm on Channel 10 and Will the precarious alliances hold, or will another twist send shockwaves through the camp?