Arto Nyberg's television show, one of Finland's longest-running talk shows, aired its final episode on December 22, 2024, marking the end of two decades of insightful dialogue and entertainment. The host, Arto Nyberg, managed to create memorable moments with nearly 600 episodes since its inception on March 7, 2004, attracting diverse guests from artists and politicians to ordinary people with incredible stories.
During the final episode, Nyberg welcomed several guests: Jonttu Virta, the guitarist of the renowned band Dingo; Ilkka Hormila, a trainer of police dogs; and actress-writer Laura Malmivaara. The atmosphere was reflective, as viewers were taken back through time. Nyberg opened the program with his traditional greeting, saying, "582. kerta: hyvää sunnuntai-iltaa," which translates to, "582nd time: good Sunday evening." This signature phrase has been part of nearly every broadcast, ingraining it deeply within Finnish television culture.
The emotional highlight came when Malmivaara chose to play the song "Vain elämää" by Matti Johannes Koivu. The moments shared during the song offered both Nyberg and the audience gratitude for the years spent together. Nyberg expressed sincere appreciation to the viewers, reflecting, "This was now here, goodbye." His acknowledgment of the program's impact over the years culminated with heartfelt thanks to Yle and his colleagues, particularly those who worked behind the scenes at the Music House where the show was produced.
For many, the end of the show felt sudden. The decision to conclude the Arto Nyberg show was announced unexpectedly on October 30, leaving Nyberg and the show's producer, Liisa Akimof, surprised. "There are no numbers. They just decided it was enough," Nyberg lamented to Iltalehti, highlighting his bewilderment at how abruptly the show was shut down. Akimof echoed this sentiment, stating, "If it appeared people were no longer interested, one could understand it, but the program is succeeding wonderfully."
Tarmo Kivikallio, head of the acquisition, rights, and sales department at Yle, contributed to the discussion about the show's cancellation. He clarified, "The world is changing, and media use is changing. At some point, we need to renew to offer fresh new experiences." His statement resonates with the current dynamics of modern media consumption, stressing the necessity for innovation even when faced with long-standing success.
Reflecting on the series' legacy, Nyberg expressed, "Although I may not recall every guest, I do know each week has been thrilling. I hope my enthusiasm has transmitted to the viewers at home." Over the years, he has hosted approximately 2,000 guests, capturing the essence of their stories. This expansive roster includes celebrated artists and unique personalities alike, showcasing the vast spectrum of Finnish life.
Nyberg's departure from Yle TV1 leaves behind not only fond memories but also sets the stage for future television endeavors. His commitment to fostering conversations around diverse topics has paved the way for many upcoming presenters and shows. Audiences fondly embraced Nyberg's engaging style, and it's unlikely the void left by his absence will easily be filled.
On the evening of the last broadcast at 6:45 PM, viewers across Finland tuned their televisions to Yle TV1, where they were treated not only to nostalgia but also to Nyberg's genuine farewell. The gathering of the show's team waving goodbye at the conclusion of the program signified not just the end of the show, but also the end of an era.
Thank you, Arto Nyberg, for 20 years of captivating Sunday evenings and meaningful conversations. Your imprint on Finnish television is indelible, and though the screen may dim, the stories you've shared will continue to resonate with audiences for years to come.