Apple has recently made waves with its rollout of AI features through its Apple Intelligence platform, now automatically activated on devices running iOS 18.3, including the iPhone 16 and iPhone 15 Pro/Max. This move, though bold, has stirred significant concern among users about storage consumption and the efficacy of the features.
The Apple Intelligence platform, which requires up to 7GB of storage, aims to introduce functionalities such as enhanced Siri capabilities, message summaries, and image generation. This storage requirement is hefty, especially for users whose devices are already hitting storage limits. A recent survey by SellCell found troubling sentiments among users, with 73% asserting the AI features added little to no real value to their experience. Adding to the unease, CNET revealed another survey where 25% of smartphone owners showed no interest at all.
Concerns over the technology's rollout intensified when tech experts began expressing their dissatisfaction. John-Anthony Disotto of TechRadar, for example, described Apple’s message summarization feature as borderline "dystopian." He remarked, “When it… weirdest and most dystopian things I've ever encountered on an iPhone. Seeing Apple Intelligence streamline... messages... freaks me out.” Likewise, privacy advocate Chip Hallett warned, "Apple Intelligence isn’t just there to help—nope, it's got eyes on all sorts...from how you tap... to tracking your travels." These sentiments are echoed by media policy professor Petros Iosifidis from City University, who noted, "The technology is not there yet and there is a real danger of spreading disinformation."
Despite the heavy push from Apple to incorporate AI, many users are finding the technology intrusive and clunky. Features like Notification Summaries, which condense multiple app notifications, have not been without issues. Users reported misinterpretations, engendering fears about receiving misleading notifications. Underneath the overarching improvements promised by Apple, the base functionality of these features remains questionable.
The situation’s urgency is palpable, as tech journalists recommend actionable steps for users concerned about their privacy and storage. For those wishing to take control of their iPhone’s settings, Apple has provided options to disable Apple Intelligence features entirely or selectively. Here’s how:
First, navigate to your device's Settings app. Then, scroll to Apple Intelligence & Siri where you can toggle off the entire system. Confirm this choice when prompted with "Turn Off Apple Intelligence." Alternatively, if only specific features are bothersome, you can adjust settings on individual apps, such as switching off Summarize Messages to eliminate automatic summaries.
Apple Intelligence also offers controls within Screen Time settings. This includes determining the use of features like Image Creation and Writing Tools, providing another layer of customization for users wary of how much control they want Apple to have over their devices.
It's important to note, though, even if users turn off these features, the storage consumed by the initial setup may remain listed under the iOS storage settings. Nevertheless, if storage becomes critically full, the system can reclaim space as necessary.
Overall, the Apple Intelligence rollout sparks meaningful dialogue among users about what balance to strike between enhanced functionality and privacy concerns. Should Apple continue down this path without addressing users' apprehensions about usability and data security, they risk alienation among their core customer base. Users are encouraged to weigh the pros and cons carefully as they adapt to these new technologies and determine whether to embrace them or disable them altogether.
With these developments, it’s clear the technology is still very much a work in progress, and for many users, being proactive about managing their devices' settings is the best course of action.