The beloved sports manga series Ao Ashi, created by Yugo Kobayashi, is officially coming to its conclusion with the release of its 40th volume. Announced with heartfelt messaging from Kobayashi himself, readers are informed the series will wrap up following the climactic Barcelona match, which serves as the narrative's dramatic finale.
Kobayashi expressed his gratitude for the unwavering support from fans over the years and emphasized the detailed planning behind Ashito Aoi's remarkable footballing odyssey. He noted, "When Ashito joined the A-team, the following opponents… Kashiwa, Tokyo V, Funabashi, Aomori, and Barcelona… all of which were already decided at the time," he said, reflecting on how he aimed to capture the growth and progress of Ashito through the successive hurdles on the football field.
The much-anticipated 40th volume of Ao Ashi is tentatively set for release in June 2024, following the upcoming 38th volume, which will hit the shelves on December 26, 2024. Fans have received this news with mixed emotions, blending gratitude for the story they’ve cherished and heartbreak over its impending end. Many felt the shock and disbelief stirred by the announcement, leading to extensive discussions over unresolved narrative threads and character arcs.
Key concerns from fans revolve around Ashito’s future within the professional football scene and his relationships—with focal points being his connection to characters like Hana and the overall fate of his teammates. Some expressed hopes for either hidden plot twists or the prospect of spin-offs to address these unresolved issues. Still, the important takeaway for many is the joy derived from the manga's inspiring narrative so far.
On social media, reactions varied. While disappointment prevails over the conclusion, many fans opted to use this moment as an opportunity to express their thanks to Kobayashi, calling Ao Ashi one of the best sports manga they have ever encountered. The overwhelming support highlighted the emotional investment readers have dedicated to the story and characters over the years.
Ao Ashi began serialization in Shogakukan's Weekly Big Comic Spirits back in January 2015 and quickly secured its place as one of the foremost manga series for sports enthusiasts. By September 2024, the series had hit remarkable sales figures—over 21 million copies sold worldwide. It also was awarded the prestigious 65th Shogakukan Manga Award for the general category back in 2020.
Further enhancing its status among fans, the Ao Ashi anime, produced by Production I.G, aired its first season from April to September 2022, deepening interest and boosting the manga's popularity to new heights. The engaging narrative offered by the anime adaptation complemented the heartwarming and intense moments crafted by Kobayashi, echoing the success of the manga.
Despite the excitement surrounding the final volumes, Kobayashi aims to tie up Ashito's tale appropriately and poignantly. He reassured fans, stating, “I will do my best to put all my enthusiasm to the next two volumes, so please stick with me until the end.” His commitment to delivering a satisfactory resolution hints at the thoughtful conclusion awaiting fans of Ao Ashi.
There remains anticipation for how Tokyo City Esperion FC will perform against Barcelona, especially after the first half, where they entered the break on level terms. Key players, including Otomo, who was brought on as a fresh strategy to push for victory, are pivotal as the stakes skyrocket. The performance of opponents like Demian, who scored decisively for Barcelona, enhances the tension of the match, which is set to conclude the series.
With the narrative having evolved through Ashito’s experiences against formidable opponents, readers are eager to see how the overarching themes of growth and resilience play out as the series nears its conclusion. This excitement reflects the lasting impact Ao Ashi has had not only within the manga community but also among sports enthusiasts worldwide.
Although the final two volumes signal the end of Ao Ashi, the legacy of its narrative—the struggles, triumphs, and the spirit of determination—will likely continue to resonate with readers even after the last page is turned.