Renowned French media personality Antoine de Caunes has recently opened up about not just his illustrious career, but also his personal life and health struggles during several media appearances. He caught the interest of viewers on the show La Boîte à Secrets, hosted by Faustine Bollaert, where he shared details about his long-term relationship with journalist Daphné Roulier, illustrating the bond they share and the cute nuances of their life together.
Antoine de Caunes, known for his vibrant presence on television and radio, has attracted attention with the way he's woven personal anecdotes and humor about aging and health challenges throughout his narratives. An enthusiast of life and all its flavors, Antoine reflected on the unexpected nature of his romance with Roulier, attributing it to what he aptly called "a coup de foudre." He remarked on RTL, "C'est vraiment le principe du coup de foudre : vous ne savez pas pourquoi, ça vous tombe dessus. C'est un truc qu'on n'attendait pas et qui est irrévocable,” highlighting the spontaneity and depth of their connection.
Their relationship, now over two decades strong, blossomed during preparations for an anniversary show celebrating Canal +'s 20 years. The couple, who married in 2007, welcomed their son Jules the following year — whom Roulier describes as the "cement" of their relationship. She once shared, "J’ai eu Jules à quarante ans avec la bonne personne et au bon moment. Notre fils est le ciment du couple que nous formons. Il est notre petit plus miraculeux," illustrating how transformative parenthood has been for them.
During his recent interviews, de Caunes also tackled his experiences with aging, which he does not shy away from. Rather humorously, he touched on health issues, including elevated uric acid levels, prompting him to adapt his diet. "Mon acide urique est élevé, alors je lève le pied sur le champagne et le vin blanc !" he proclaimed, demonstrating his self-awareness and good-humored approach to life's hurdles.
Reflecting on his age — having turned 71 — de Caunes has created space for dialogue around aging with his new magazine, Vieux, aimed at the over-50 audience. Acknowledging the prevalent youth-centric culture, he explained, "J’ai accepté ce projet parce que je suis vieux. J’ai 70 balais et quelques poussières, je me suis rendu compte que j’étais rentré dans la catégorie 'Vieux' biologiquement parlant, alors que j’ai l’impression d’avoir 12 ans dans ma tête." The magazine has found immense success since its launch, with over 100,000 copies sold, signaling the audience's interest and need for representation.
Despite his busy career and the public's perception of him, de Caunes cherishes moments of solitude and retreat. He expressed nostalgia and fondness for Trouville-sur-Mer, where he has owned a historic home for decades. "C'est un lieu fondamental. J'ai commencé à y aller, je devais avoir 3 ans et j'y retournais tous les étés... Chaque fois que j’y vais, je respire cet air où se mêlent plein de choses," he shared, illustrating how deeply intertwined his personal memories are with the location.
On the show La Boîte à Secrets, Antoine prepared for heartfelt surprises crafted by loved ones, alongside other guests like Muriel Robin and David Hallyday. Such shows often reveal layers of intimacy and vulnerability not commonly seen, adding to the essence of this revered host's appeal. It’s quite fascinating to observe how these emotional exchanges strike chords not only within viewers but truly resonate with the guest’s journeys.
Through candid conversations about health and relationships, Antoine de Caunes maintains his dynamic presence both on-screen and off. He embraces the aging process with open arms, facing it not only with humor but also with the realization of life’s deep connections and the importance of nurturing relationships. Even as he reflects on small inconveniences of getting older—like "pertes d’étanchéité"—he keeps the spirit alive, reminding fans of the vibrant, engaging personality they have come to love.
Antoine de Caunes’ story speaks volumes about juxtaposing successful careers with the slow passage of time. It encourages audiences to engage with their histories and relationships sincerely. Whether through humor or raw honesty, both he and Daphné Roulier offer poignant reminders of love, life, and the laughter shared through the highs and lows of existence.