NHK’s highly anticipated Taiga Drama 'Werarou,' or 'べらぼう,' is set to captivate audiences starting January 5, 2025. The series marks its 64th installment and will air every Sunday night at 8 PM on NHK General. This year’s drama centers around the life of Tsutaya Shigezaburo, known as the 'Media King of Edo,' who played a pivotal role in shaping Japan’s media industry and pop culture during the Edo period.
Leading the cast is actor Ryusei Yokohama, portraying the titular character Tsutaya Shigezaburo. Known for his charm and versatility, Yokohama expressed his excitement, stating, "I hope to create a Tsutaya who is loved by everyone." His character, rising from humble beginnings, is set to showcase how he became a celebrated figure amid the challenges of his time.
The drama's script is penned by Yoshiko Morishita, acclaimed for her previous successful works like 'Ooku' and 'Onna Joshu Naotora.' Morishita’s writing promises to bring depth and entertainment, effectively blending humor and historical drama. Audiences are eager to see how she portrays the colorful and tumultuous life of Tsutaya, particularly as he interacted with historical figures like ukiyo-e artists Hokusai and Utamaro.
Another prominent character is portrayed by Mari Hanasou, who plays Horen-in, the second wife of the first head of the Tayasu Tokugawa Family, Munetake. Horen-in navigates the complex political and familial dynamics of the era, raising key figures such as the future shogun Ienari. This reflective layer of the narrative highlights the fierce maternal instincts and political savvy of women during this time.
Meanwhile, Kurara Emimi is set to portray Osaki, the wet nurse to the 11th shogun, Iesada. Known for wielding much power during the shogunate, Osaki's character will add another dimension to the portrayal of women's influence within the political intricacies of the Edo period.
The cast also includes actors such as Yu Yoshizawa as Matsumoto Hidemochi, who started from humble beginnings but rose to prominence with the help of influential figures like Tanuma Okitsugu, and Koji Ishizaka, who will play Matsudaira Takeamoto, providing skilled political counsel to successive shoguns. Their stories add layers of intrigue to the historical portrayal of power and governance.
Indeed, 'Werarou' is characterized by its unique blend of commerce, politics, and dramatic relationships, diverging from traditional historical narratives focused solely on samurai and warfare. Yokohama noted, "While it carries the hallmark scale of Taiga dramas, it is surprisingly cheerful and energetic, reflecting the lively nature of the Edo period’s merchants and tradespeople."
Fans have already begun expressing their enthusiasm, with many anticipating the show’s unique perspective on lesser-known figures from the era. The drama’s upcoming broadcast has already ranked as the third most anticipated winter drama of 2025 with 166 votes from audience polls. Comments highlight the curiosity surrounding the lesser-known protagonists, as one viewer stated, "I’m intrigued by this story, it feels fresh and unique compared to past historical dramas."
Further adding to the drama's appeal is the narrative's intention to engage younger viewers, making it easy to enjoy without heavy historical preconceptions. "We want to make it relatable for the younger generations," Yokohama emphasized, as the cast actively discusses how to present the story dynamically and with emotional depth.
The fusion of entertainment and educational components makes 'Werarou' not just another period drama, but also a piece of cultural significance showcasing Japan’s era of flourishing arts and commerce.
With the drama’s official premiere drawing closer, fans are ready to immerse themselves not only in the lives of historical characters but also witness how these portrayals resonate with contemporary issues—risk-taking, ambition, and the pursuit of happiness. The series looks to launch NHK's next century of storytelling with this vibrant chapter of its Taiga Drama legacy.
'Werarou' promises to be much more than just another historical re-enactment; it's poised to explore the intricacies of life during one of the most colorful periods of Japan's history, ensuring the narrative remains engaging for diverse audiences.