Kamikotogi Moeka, the beloved leader of the popular idol group Anjuurou, has announced her upcoming graduation from both the group and Hello! Project, which will take effect after the Spring concert tour of 2025. This decision was made public on December 20, 2024, surprising many fans who have been ardently supporting her.
Joining Anjuurou in 2015, Kamikotogi has spent nearly ten remarkable years with the group, taking on leadership duties since June 2023. Her leadership has been marked by her commitment and passion for the group, fostering strong relationships among members and contributing significantly to their collective success.
Reflecting on her decision, Kamikotogi shared, "I, Kamikotogi Moeka, will graduate from Anjuurou and Hello! Project at the Spring tour of 2025. This sudden announcement may surprise everyone, and I apologize for the short span of graduations." These words were filled with emotion as she confronted the bittersweet reality of leaving behind the group she loves.
The driving force behind her decision to graduate stems from her desire to expand her horizons and pursue studies abroad. During the announcement, she explained, "I've decided on my graduation about two years ago, setting my own time limit. Since then, I've been fully committed to Anjuurou." This sentiment reflects her intense dedication to the group over her years of service.
Her graduation will be felt not just within the group but among the entire Hello! Project family. The timing of her announcement, following the recent graduation of sub-leader Kawamura Ayano just weeks prior, adds another layer of poignancy to the occasion. Kamikotogi recognized this, stating, "And I apologize for the short span of graduations, which might bring sadness to those who love Anjuurou so dearly."
Regarding her departure, Kamikotogi expressed heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has supported her throughout her career. "It's sad to leave the wonderful Anjuurou I've created with everyone, but I'm excited for its future." These remarks reflect Kamikotogi's emotional connection to both her fellow members and the dedicated fans who have cheered for them over the years.
While the decision to leave brings about feelings of sadness and nostalgia, it also marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter for Kamikotogi. She affirmed, "I will charge forward with enthusiasm and return the love I've received from everyone many times over." This statement not only highlights her unwavering spirit but also her commitment to continue making contributions to the entertainment field even after her departure from Anjuurou.
Looking back on her time with the group, Kamikotogi reminisced on the connections she has formed and the milestones they've achieved together. Her time with Anjuurou has shaped her life and career significantly, and she hopes to take those experiences with her as she embarks on her new educational path.
With the farewell tour looming, Kamikotogi is eager to make the most out of her remaining months with the group. She expressed her determination, proclaiming, "I will charge forward with enthusiasm and intend to make Anjuurou even bigger before I graduate!" Her infectious motivation serves as an inspiring reminder to fans and members alike, showcasing her dedication to the group's legacy.
While it's certainly bittersweet to see Kamikotogi Moeka step away from the spotlight she has helped illuminate, her story is one of growth, evolution, and continued passion for the industry. Fans can rest assured, as she continues to profess her love for Anjuurou, even as she prepares to carve out new dreams for herself.
With her graduation set for Spring 2025, there lies the promise of new adventures and possibilities for both Kamikotogi and Anjuurou, setting the stage for what lies ahead for both the leader and the group.