Andy Murray, the three-time Grand Slam champion who reached legendary status during his 20-year career, has embarked on exciting ventures since retiring from professional tennis. Murray now finds himself entwined with the quickly growing sport of padel, stepping up as one of the co-owners of Team AD/vantage, alongside former heavyweight champion boxer Anthony Joshua. Together with businessman Arran Yentob and former tennis coach Dani Vallverdú, they aim to capitalize on padel's rapid rise.
Murray's involvement isn't just for the thrill of the game; it’s also rooted in passion. Having first played padel at fifteen, he rediscovered the sport after investing in Game4Padel, which constructs courts across the UK. "Having Anthony join Arran, Dani and I on the team leadership is a huge win for us, and will provide us with momentum," said Murray, as they prepare to defend their title at the Hexagon Cup this coming January.
The Hexagon Cup, held annually in Madrid, features teams made up of male, female, and Next Gen pairs, and is sponsored by major brands like DAZN and ESPN. The competition aims to showcase padel to global audiences, with last year’s event already raking in more than 4.6 million views on social media. It will return from January 29 to February 2, 2025, with the stakes raising higher as teams shoot for the €1 million cash prize.
Murray recognizes the social nature of padel and believes it could become the entry point for many children to sports of all kinds. The accessibility and simplicity of padel make it inviting, contrasting sharply with the common concerns surrounding tennis’s longevity and popularity. He hopes to see the sport embraced as more than just recreational play and evolve as a spectator-oriented event. Murray expressed, “A lot of people are worried about tennis, but I see padel and pickleball as complementary sports.”
While he dives headfirst back to court management, not everyone is captivated by Murray's thoughts on recreational sports. The former tennis star has openly admitted he is “really not a fan of pickleball.” During a recent interview, he remarked, “I don’t like pickleball, I know it’s really popular, particularly in the [United] States, but yeah it’s just not for me.” While acknowledging the social aspect and fun nature of it, he also noted the noise and simplicity of the game, which contrasts starkly with the strategic complexity of tennis.
Despite his hesitance, pickleball continues to flourish, boasting over 36.5 million players across America last year alone. Yet, as tennis stars move to this rising sport, drawing parallel comparisons, Murray remains focused on his endeavors. Recently, WTA number one Aryna Sabalenka participated in pickleball-themed events but hasn’t switched to the sport significantly. On the other hand, former ATP star Jack Sock has found success after transitioning to professional pickleball, ranking as high as number nine.
With sports continuously choosing to balance tradition with modernization, Murray has swiftly adapted. Now coaching 24-time Grand Slam winner Novak Djokovic, he has transitioned his immense knowledge and experience from competitor to coach. This new partnership promises to be fruitful as they chase Djokovic’s 25th Major title, which will also be pivotal for Murray as he navigates this new chapter of his career.
Murray’s perspective will also be instrumental as he mentors Djokovic. Having complex strategies and experience will, ideally, allow the two former rivals to create synergy reminiscent of their time on the circuit. Their reunion marks not just another partnership but signifies the blending worlds of former champions adapting to new roles.
Though his tennis career ended, Andy Murray’s new ventures reflect resilience and adaptability. Whether through the lens of becoming co-owner of Team AD/vantage or mentoring Djokovic, he keeps himself tethered to the sports world. Padel's growth complements his current pursuits, and the young sport is paving the way for mass appeal worldwide. Murray’s influence will likely be felt across both padel and tennis for years to come, as he navigates these new waters with the same tenacity he showed throughout his illustrious playing career.
Staying engaged, both personally and professionally, Murray serves not only as inspiration for the new generation of athletes but also as proof of how to thrive post-career, fostering new sports and guiding upcoming talent along the way.