The Amerigo Vespucci, heralded as the most beautiful sailing ship and symbol of Italian excellence, is set to act as an ambassador for cancer prevention during its "Mediterranean Tour". This notable initiative is the result of collaboration among the Associazione Italiana di Oncologia Medica (Aiom), the Fondazione Airc, and the crew of Amerigo Vespucci. From March 1 to March 3, 2025, the majestic vessel will dock at Trieste, where the "Villaggio IN Italia" will welcome citizens and visitors at Riva del Mandracchio, Piazza Unità d’Italia, offering various health-related initiatives.
During these three days, oncologists and health experts will provide guidance on how to adopt healthier lifestyles, and volunteers will distribute valuable informational materials focusing on cancer prevention. The statistics surrounding cancer risk are alarming: three cancers out of every ten are tied to poor nutrition, with smoking accounting for nine out of ten lung cancer diagnoses. Despite these figures, many continue unhealthy habits; nearly 60% of Italian adults consume alcohol, 33% are overweight, 10% are classified as obese, 28% do not exercise, and 24% still smoke.
Francesco Perrone, President of Aiom, expressed pride in their role as scientific partners for this important campaign, stating, "We are proud to be the scientific partners for this itinerant experience of the Mediterranean Tour aboard the Amerigo Vespucci - it's a unique opportunity to stand alongside institutions and transmit key messages of cancer prevention, which are fundamental." He emphasized the need to reach out to all age groups, particularly the youth, to instill awareness about healthy choices.
The Tour is particularly timely as cancer projections for 2024 estimate around 390,100 new diagnoses across Italy, with approximately 40% of those cases considered preventable through healthy lifestyle choices and regular screening programs. A cultural shift is needed to combat negative behaviors and instill healthier choices among citizens. This consensus on the importance of education and community participation underpins the goals of the Mediterranean Tour.
Following its World Tour from 2023-2025, the Amerigo Vespucci is returning to share the splendor and discoveries made during its travels with the Italian populace. The Mediterranean Tour, covering 17 cities including 15 across Italy, aims to engage communities by promoting Italian excellence and the essence of Made in Italy.
Andrea Sironi, President of the Fondazione Airc, stresses the importance of both research and prevention, noting, "Research and prevention are the cornerstones to face cancer and make it increasingly treatable." He articulated the pressing necessity for collaborative global efforts, emphasizing teamwork as they conduct prevention project initiatives, starting with the Trieste footprint of the Mediterranean Tour.
Meanwhile, Saverio Cinieri, President of the Fondazione Aiom, highlighted the urgent need for public education, stating, "It is our duty to utilize all available tools to reach citizens - one cigarette contains not only tobacco but also many harmful elements." He added, "Not smoking is the best way to reduce the risk of developing multiple forms of cancer." Cinieri also advocated for the Mediterranean diet, citing studies showing it could reduce cancer mortality by 10% through balanced nutrition rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats.
Despite the simplicity of preventative recommendations, there is often resistance, particularly among younger populations. The challenge to transform these recommendations from mere advice to embedded habits requires not only education but also actionable campaigns aimed at our communities. The importance of physical activity is equally emphasized, where exercise can be likened to medication—an effective countermeasure for many health issues, including cancer risk.
Through raising awareness, offering reliable information, and advocating for healthier lifestyle choices, the Amerigo Vespucci symbolizes hope and unity amid the fight against cancer. With the support of respected health professionals and the collaboration of organizations like Aiom and Fondazione Airc, the Mediterranean Tour aspires to inspire and mobilize communities toward healthier living.