On the evening of December 17, viewers tuned in to Rai 3 to witness the heartbreaking yet compelling story of Alessandra Cità, featured on the program Amore Criminale, hosted by Veronica Pivetti. The episode centered on the tragic femicide of Cità, who was brutally killed by her ex-partner, Antonio Vena, during the height of the Covid-19 lockdown. Cità’s death on April 19, 2020, shocked the nation, illuminating the grim reality many women face within oppressive relationships.
Alessandra Cità, 45, was living a seemingly normal life as a tram driver for ATM when she was struck down by Vena’s gunfire during one of their many turbulent disputes. Their relationship traced back to their childhood hometown of Gangi, Sicily, where they first met decades prior. While Cità had clearly been attempting to escape the suffocative grasp of Vena's control, the deep-seated emotional ties they formed over their nine-year long relationship complicated matters. The tumultuous connection, marked by jealousy and possessiveness, culminated fatally when Vena could not handle the thought of losing her.
The documentary-style retelling paints a vivid picture of their fraught dynamic; Cità’s persistent attempts to break free from Vena's controlling behavior met with his increasing desperation. The tension ballooned during the lockdown, as Cità, motivated by compassion, allowed her partner to stay with her. This decision turned out to be tragically misguided, leading to the harrowing event just after midnight on April 19. With allegations of premeditated intent, Vena armed himself with Cità’s firearm—a weapon he had been controlling less than she thought.
Viewers learned how this deadly encounter unfolded. Following yet another contentious argument, Vena took his shotgun and delivered a lethal blow, shooting Cità in the face as she slept, sending waves of grief throughout her family and the wider community. Immediately after the act, he turned himself over to the authorities, where he was later tried and condemned to life imprisonment for aggravated murder.
During the court proceedings, evidence came to light including threatening messages Vena had sent to Cità leading up to the tragic night, underscoring his unstable mental state and obsession with her. Rosalba Cità, Alessandra’s sister, was vocal about her family’s heartbreak and desire for justice, describing Vena’s drastic change from being caring to becoming terrifyingly controlling.
Reflecting on Vena’s past behavior, reports reveal troubling remnants of his previous relationships, including charges of domestic violence against his ex-wife. Such patterns of abuse were unsettlingly evident to those close to Cità. Even as the evidence mounted against him, Vena maintained his innocence, claiming he acted out of anger rather than malice, but the court saw through his claims, holding him accountable for his heinous crime.
To honor Cità's memory and raise awareness about domestic abuse, her family and advocates established a red bench in Truccazzano—a powerful symbol of the fight against femicide and violence against women. These benches serve as poignant reminders of the lives lost to gender-based violence and the urgent need for societal change.
The recent airing of Amore Criminale served not only as documentation of Cità’s tragic story but also as a broader wake-up call about the sometimes invisible cycles of violence many women endure. With statistics showing increased domestic violence during lockdown periods worldwide, the show's narrative is alarmingly relevant.
Viewers were encouraged to confront the underlying issues surrounding relationships marked by control and manipulation, recognizing how this pervasive mindset can morph deadly. The program’s approach to storytelling—intertwining personal accounts with hard statistics—aims to educate the public and encourage survivors to speak out.
While the case of Alessandra Cità is one of many, it still serves as the type of cautionary tale meant to resonate deeply and inspire change. Those who tuned in left with heavy hearts, but also with hope—hope for new conversations about domestic violence, awareness about the signs of abusive relationships, and the possibility of preventing future tragedies. Cità and her story are not merely remembered; they are part of the larger dialogue about love, loss, and the necessity for change.
It’s evident the reality for countless women remains dire, yet the visibility of these stories can forge new paths toward solidarity and mutual support. The fight against femicide may be long and arduous, but through awareness and advocacy, society moves closer to eradicative change. More episodes of Amore Criminale on these painful subjects can help keep the conversation going and encourage individuals experiencing similar difficulties to seek help.
Alessandra's story resonates beyond the screen, serving as a grave reminder of the lives affected by gender-based violence. Her legacy, along with others, fuels the relentless demand for justice and awareness, driving the narrative forward where others may falter.