There’s excitement brewing as the beloved autobiographical manga by renowned artist Akiko Higashimura, titled Kakukaku Shikajika, is set to hit the big screen. This coming-of-age tale, which previously received the Manga Taisho award back in 2015, will be transformed through the cinematic lens, featuring the talented Mei Nagano as the lead and Yo Oizumi alongside her. Directed by Wataru Sekiguchi, the film is scheduled for release on May 16, 2025, and has already generated buzz following the release of its teaser trailer.
Kakukaku Shikajika encapsulates the poignant yet humorous voyage of Higashimura's life as she navigates the messy waters of self-discovery and the pursuit of her dreams. It begins with Aiko Hayashi, portrayed by Nagano, who is described as a somewhat lazy high school student harboring aspirations to become a manga artist. Enter Kenzo Hidaka, played by Oizumi, who emerges as her formidable mentor. This mentor-student relationship, fraught with its ups and downs, develops against the vibrant backdrops of three cities—Miyazaki, Kanazawa, and Tokyo—further enriching the narrative and depicting valuable life lessons over the span of nine unforgettable years.
The film's announcement marks the first time Higashimura has greenlit the adaptation of her work, having previously turned down many offers. The turning point came when she envisioned both Nagano and Oizumi embodying these characters, believing their performances would do justice to her story. Surprisingly, she decided to write the screenplay herself, showcasing her commitment to the authentic representation of her life's narrative.
During the movie’s production, Nagano expressed her determination to respect the integrity of Higashimura's experiences. "I truly didn’t want to alter what the teacher has been through by performing this role," she shared, recounting her return to the artistic tools she had abandoned, like the G-pen. Her nostalgic excitement was palpable as she delved deep, almost forgetting the camera as she poured her emotions onto the canvas of film.
On the flip side, Oizumi reflected on the joy of filming the scenes with his co-star, commending the invaluable insights shared by Higashimura during the shoots. He noted how their chemistry brought both warmth and humor to their characters, echoing the emotional rollercoaster depicted within the original manga.
“We had fun, and I believe we portrayed the complex bond between Hidaka and Hayashi delicately yet humorously,” Oizumi stated with assurance. His sentiments underscored the goal of connecting with long-time fans of Kakukaku Shikajika, hoping they’d embrace the film just as much as the manga.
The trailer offers glimpses of Hayashi and Hidaka's dynamic, commencing with their first meeting filled with humor and anticipation. It captures the moments of both frustration and laughter as Hayashi attempts to find her artistic voice, culminating with the emotional turmoil behind her dreams.
Higashimura’s vibrant illustrations and narrative depth have captivated readers for years, and she aims to reflect this beauty onto the screen, communicating the authenticity of her artistic endeavors. “I find this adapted film reflective of my artistic endeavors. I’ve assisted with everything from visual production to the art elements presented on screen," said Higashimura. This sort of involvement ensures her personal connection to the project translates well onto film.
With this film adaptation rapidly approaching, there’s palpable excitement and anticipation among fans and newcomers alike. The synergy of Nagano, Oizumi, and Higashimura, coupled with the experienced direction from Sekiguchi, promises to encapsulate the emotional highs and lows of her manga authentically, offering viewers both laughter and tears.
So, mark your calendars for May 2025, as audiences will soon witness this unique meld of humor, nostalgia, and artistic struggle, generated from the confines of Higashimura’s inked pages to the grandeur of the movie screen. More than just another adaptation, Kakukaku Shikajika tells the universal tales of mentorship, growth, and the comical yet serious pursuit of one’s dreams.
Fans have every reason to be hopeful as they await the opportunity to see how this beloved manga translates onto film. With Higashimura's personal touch and her choice of actors, many are confident it’ll resonate just as deeply as it did on the page.