On February 27, 2025, Telewizja Polska (TVP) held its highly anticipated spring schedule presentation at its headquarters on Woronicza Street, Warsaw. The event attracted notable stars from various programs, including Karol Strasburger, Anna Mucha, and Barbara Kurdej-Szatan, who were all eager to showcase what audiences could expect from the network this season.
Among the highlights of the evening were new entries like the third season of the popular series Krew z Krwi and the return of beloved shows such as Sanatorium miłości. Expectation hung thickly, animated by appearances from a plethora of TV stars, ready to promote their latest projects.
But amid the glamour, unease simmered. Unexpectedly, during the presentation of the series Na dobre i na złe, actors associated with the show were noticeably absent from the stage. This omission became the spark for drama, as those present reported they had not been invited to participate when their series was announced.
According to reports from 20Świata Gwiazd20, the reaction from the actors was telling. They rose from their seats and exited the venue, leaving only empty chairs behind. This walkout was interpreted as both disappointment and protest, illuminating the tensions faced by performers when not acknowledged during important events related to their work.
"Aktorzy 'Na dobre i na złe' wyszli w trakcie ramówki. Nie zaprosili ich na scenę, widać było, że są znudzeni. Nagle wstali i opuścili salę. Został po nich tylko rząd pustych krzeseł," reported the ever-watchful journalist from 20Świata Gwiazd20, detailing the apparent discontent among the show’s cast.
The incident drew considerable attention, prompting reactions both at the event and among viewers. It highlighted the sometimes fragile relationship between television networks and their stars, especially when publicized events do not represent their contributions adequately. Critics noted the importance of including all cast members and treating them equally, regardless of the format of their shows.
Following the event, one prominent actor, Tomasz Ciachorowski, who plays one of the leads, addressed the situation on social media, aiming to quell the swirling rumors. "Rzekomo poczuliśmy się urażeni tym, że nie wywołano nas na główną scenę. Bzdura," he asserted, denying any claim of insult from being left off the presentation roster.
"Ja rzeczywiście musiałem troszkę wcześniej wyjść i w okolicy 22 - tuż przed końcem - po cichu się wymknąłem. Pożegnałem się z koleżankami i kolegami, miałem wczesną pobudkę rano. Natomiast oni zostali do końca, bawili się potem na bankiecie," Ciachorowski explained, offering his perspective. He emphasized the joy experienced by the cast at the event prior to the incident, countering the narrative of disinterest or boredom.
To clarify the confusion surrounding the emptied row of seats, Ciachorowski pointed out the chairs were actually from missing participants of the Sanatorium miłości show, which had not yet returned to their places, debunking speculation generated by the earlier reports. "Burza w szklance wody. Naprawdę nic, co tam jest napisane, nie jest prawdą," he remarked, refuting the notion their departure indicated any dissatisfaction or grievance.
This occurrence at the spring presentation should serve as a reminder of the delicate dynamics at play behind glitzy events. While TV audiences are captivated by the bright lights and star-studded appearances, it is the relationships and acknowledgment behind the scenes taking center stage. Surely, both the network and the actors are poised to reflect on the lessons learned from this incident.
Telewizja Polska, like other channels, must navigate the exigencies of viewer expectations and cast morale as they present content aimed at engaging the public. With numerous new shows slated for release, the impact of events like these cannot be underestimated—not only through the lens of programming and scheduling but, more critically, through the lens of the talent who brings these stories to life.