Henri Chassé, beloved Canadian actor known for his role as King Henry VIII, faced a dramatic stage accident during the premiere of the play Sa Dernière Femme at the Théâtre du Rideau Vert on January 22, 2023. The unfortunate incident occurred during the first act, swiftly drawing attention from the audience and theater staff alike.
Witnesses reported seeing Chassé miss the opening between two panels as he exited the stage. Consequently, he tripped over lighting equipment and fell off the stage, prompting immediate concern among onlookers. The audience was instructed to vacate the theater as protocol took over, emphasizing the seriousness of the situation.
Alice Côté Dupuis, the press officer for Théâtre du Rideau Vert, later provided clarity on the incident, explaining, "He missed the opening between two panels, coming off stage, then tripped over lighting equipment. That's when he fell off the stage." Eyewitness accounts suggested Chassé briefly lost consciousness before regaining awareness, which heightened the alarm.
Emergency services responded quickly, and Chassé was transported to Hospital Jean-Talon for precautionary measures. Fortunately, he suffered no fractures or serious injuries. Sharing positive news, Côté Dupuis affirmed, "The doctor simply prescribed him some days of rest. There was more fear than harm. Before leaving the theater, he was joking with the other actors." This good-spirited attitude amid the ordeal reassured many fans and friends.
Following the accident, the Théâtre du Rideau Vert announced the cancellation of the performances scheduled for January 23 and 24 to allow Chassé sufficient recovery time. The theater's management expressed their gratitude for the public's patience and support during this unsettling period. They promised to contact ticket holders to discuss alternative options.
Chassé's health update brought relief to many after such alarming news. The theater reassured patrons, indicating upcoming performances from January 25 to February 22 would continue as planned, pending the actor's recovery. Support for Chassé surged from fellow artists, fans, and the community who eagerly awaited his return to the stage.
This incident not only highlighted the often-unseen risks actors face during live performances but also emphasized the support systems within the arts community. Chassé's colleagues praised his dedication and wished him well, reinforcing the camaraderie often found behind the scenes.
While the immediate focus remains on Chassé's health, anticipation builds for the forthcoming performances of Sa Dernière Femme, which is directed by Eda Holmes and features other talented actors such as Mikhaïl Ahooja, Marie-Pier Labrecque, Mounia Zahzam, Nathan Savoie, and Julien Désy. The media premiere, previously set for January 23, will now be rescheduled to allow for Chassé's complete recovery.
Henri Chassé's stage accident serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of live theater. With wishes for his prompt recovery from fans and colleagues alike, the curtain is set to rise once again soon on this riveting play. The show will go on, as they say, showcasing the resilience of both the actors and the theater community.