On December 14, 2024, Japanese television witnessed the special three-hour episode of "Sandwich Man & Ai Mai's Doctor-chan," themed around the beloved music of the Showa era. This unique concept unfolded as the young prodigies, referred to as "Doctor-chan," curated their very own dream rendition of the iconic red-and-white singing contest, akin to the traditional Kumamoto show, but with artists hailing from the 70s to 80s.
Throughout the episode, hosted by comedic duo Sandwich Man with actress Ai Mai, viewers were treated to exhilarating competition categories, including the "Best Top Batter Showdown," "Best Enka Duel," "Best City Pop Contest," and "Idol Showdown." Fourteen enthusiastic young participants, fired up by their love for Showa music, analyzed and debated over which legendary artists would populate their dream lineup.
One of the standout moments of the evening came from guest Goro Noguchi, who expressed his utter amazement at the selections made by the Doctor-chans. "I’m getting chills just thinking about this… it’s fascinating how even within the same Showa period, there’s such a time gap between these songs!" he exclaimed, reflecting on the intriguing pairings presented on stage.
During the "Best City Pop Contest," the young contestants highlighted one of the most significant tracks from the era, which they all agreed ranks within the top five of Showa songs. This impressive track was performed by one of the participating male artists, who was pitted against female artists redefined the modern city pop scene.
Details around the idol showdown really intensified the nostalgic atmosphere of the episode. Doctor-chans selected one of the most celebrated female idols who shaped the idol culture of Japan, alongside a male idol known for his stunning performances. The discussions turned riveting as Goro was asked by the students about competitive tensions during his heyday. “Was there any rivalry before awards shows?” to which he chuckled, "You’re asking some tough questions here…"
Adding to the charm was Haruna Kai, affectionately known as "Goro Noguchi Doctor-chan". At only 19, she had long admired him and her emotions bubbled over as she got to share the stage with her idol. With tears of joy, she seized the moment to verify the truth behind one of the famous myths surrounding Noguchi and legendary singer Hideki Saijo, which stated they secretly collaborated under the radar during their peak days. "So, did you really...?" she asked, showing her curiosity as the set heated up!
The evening blossomed with moments of laughter and nostalgia, cementing the show as not just another TV special but also as a significant homage to Japan’s musical heritage. Notably, as the episode progressed, audiences were treated to glimpses of various duets and performances by the Doctor-chans who passionately presented the beautiful songs of their favorite eras.
Towards the end of the night, the grand finale gathered all participants on stage for one electrifying performance, merging numerous fan-favorite Showa tracks, rounding off the evening with appreciation for the music culture once adored by many.
This special airing of "Sandwich Man & Ai Mai's Doctor-chan" managed to not only showcase the vibrant music of Showa but also sparked curiosity among younger generations. The automotive combining of past and present artists signifies the continuous musical evolution and the undeniable impact Showa music has had on the modern industry.
Fans eager for more can catch previous episodes and highlights on streaming platforms like TVer and TELASA. Encountering the blend of nostalgia and entertainment, audiences are left with heartfelt memories of Japan's rich musical legacy!