Matsumoto Kenichi, the renowned actor, is set to make his guest appearance on the popular NTV variety show 'Meshidora' this Saturday, December 14th, at 11:55 AM. The show, which features Kanekichi Daiki from EXIT and fellow actor Mitsushima Shinsuke, showcases their unscripted culinary adventures as they drive around Japan exploring great food.
This week's episode will take the trio to Hayama, Kanagawa, where they will enjoy various local delights. The episode opens with Kenichi and the hosts meeting at Hayama Park, where they jump straight onto their food adventure. Their first stop is '三角屋根 パンとコーヒー,' famed for its delicious French toast and croque monsieur.
During their meal, the group engages in light-hearted banter about Matsumoto's nicknames. Matsumoto shares, “小学校3年生からマツケンって言われてたんだけど、『暴れん坊』がいるから” (I’ve been called Matsuken since I was in third grade, but there’s another ‘wild one’ out there). His mention of another Matsuken, the actor Matsudaira Ken, evokes laughter when he recalls apologizing to Matsudaira for the confusion over the name.
Kanekichi jokes, “あ!え?あれサンバの人なの?” (Oh! Wait, is he the Samba guy?), pointing to Matsumoto's previous moniker “サンバ,” leading to rounds of laughter among the group as they discuss the quirky nature of nickname associations. Eventually, Matsumoto's nickname for the day is decided to be “リーフ” (Leaf).
On their way to the next eatery, the conversation turns to Matsumoto’s personal interests. He reveals his admiration for EXIT's comedy acts and exclaims how much he enjoys their performances. Kanekichi highlights the rigorous preparation required for comedy competitions, stating, “大会のためには3〜4本のネタを準備している” (We prepare three to four routines for competitions). He provides insight on how they adjust their material depending on competitors.
They make a spontaneous stop at 'Cafe&Diner DAYS386', where they order burgers and chicken rice. While waiting, Matsumoto speaks about his farming hobbies. He shares, “家庭菜園とかのレベルじゃなく、自宅の畑でスイカやトマトを育てている” (It’s beyond just home gardening; I'm growing watermelon and tomatoes at my home garden), showcasing his hands-on lifestyle away from the city.
Reflecting on his move to the countryside, Matsumoto notes, “都会の生活が馴染まない” (I couldn’t adjust to city life), detailing how his upbringing in Aomori shaped his thoughts. His childhood experiences made him feel unprepared to advise his kids if they faced challenges growing up. “このまま東京で大人になったら子供のことも理解できなくなる” (If I stayed in Tokyo, I wouldn’t understand children’s issues), he admits, explaining his choice to embrace rural living.
Intrigued and somewhat clueless about Matsumoto's private life, Kanekichi digs for information about his wife, Koyuki. He gleefully stumbles upon the answer through hints of “冬” and “雪” before exclaiming, “小雪さん!嘘でしょ?ほんと芸能界ってすごいっすね!” (Koyuki! Are you kidding? The entertainment world is incredible!). Matsumoto cheerfully reflects on their union, declaring, “もう、一生分の運を使い切った” (I've used up all my luck), punctuating with humor about ensuring he never gets dumped by her.
The talk shifts yet again as they drive to their next destination, where the two men excitedly discuss their affinity for the game 'Dragon Quest.' Matsumoto describes his gaming style, saying, “俺めちゃくちゃわがままだよ” (I’m really selfish), sharing his gaming quirks and tendencies toward absorption during gameplay. Kanekichi validates his sentiments, recognizing, “1回潜ったことがある人だけが言える言葉ですね” (Those who have dived deep can understand these words).
Arriving at 'カフェテーロ葉山,' the conversation turns to Matsumoto’s career beginnings. He shares how his parents encouraged him through the pages of magazines featuring auditions, igniting his desire to explore what he thought was “外国” (foreign)—Tokyo. “だからもう運が良いどころじゃないよね、田舎者がさ” (I wasn't just lucky being a country kid) he remarks with nostalgia on the serendipitous path his life took.
Finally, the adventure culminates at '川正' where they savor Matsumoto’s favorite delicacy, unagi, as he indulges wholeheartedly, capturing the essence of culinary delight intertwined with life stories.
Join Matsumoto Kenichi and the gang each Saturday at 11:55 AM on NTV for 'Meshidora,' where food and laughter pave the way for unforgettable journeys.