Former Japanese television announcers Shinohara Hikaru and Sasai Chihiro publicly announced their marriage on December 28, 2024, through their respective Instagram accounts. Shinohara, 30, who previously worked for Nippon Television, and Sasai, 26, who is currently active as a freelance announcer and calligrapher, celebrated this significant step in their lives by sharing heartfelt messages with their followers.
The couple revealed the news of their union using handwritten notes, stating, "We, Shinohara Hikaru and Sasai Chihiro, are pleased to announce our marriage. We are still inexperienced, but we would appreciate your warm support and guidance." This personalized touch not only indicates their sincerity but also their connection with their audience.
Shinohara expressed his gratitude by saying, "I got married! I sincerely thank everyone who supports me every day!" He continued, expressing his enthusiasm for his interests, saying, "I will keep drawing power from games, anime, and K-pop as I strive to push forward with my work, so I hope to have your continued support from all circles!" It’s clear how much he values both his career and his fans.
Sasai also took to social media, stating, "I got married! I will continue to cherish my passionate feelings for work and gratitude, so thank you for your continued support!" She emphasized the importance of maintaining her dedication to her profession even as she embarks on this new personal adventure.
Both individuals have made notable strides in their careers prior to the marriage announcement. Shinohara joined Nippon Television in 2018, quickly becoming known for his roles on popular shows like "ZIP!" and "Hirunan Desu!" After leaving the network in March 2023, he transitioned to working as a freelance caster, particularly focusing on the burgeoning field of esports.
Sasai, affiliated with the Cent Force talent agency, has carved out her niche as both an announcer and calligrapher, gaining recognition through various media appearances. Just before announcing their marriage, she had been featuring as the assistant for television Saitama’s program, "REDS TV GGR," where she has captivated audiences with her charm.
Following their announcement, fans and fellow broadcasters quickly flooded their social media with congratulatory messages. Many expressed joy and excitement, wishing the couple well on their new chapter together. Observers noted how the elegant and neat presentation of their handwritten notes sparked comments about their penmanship, with compliments such as "beautiful handwriting" and "it looks so strong."
The couple emphasized their mutual appreciation and respect for one another, creating a sense of sincerity and warmth around their announcement. For fans of both personalities, the recognition of their successful careers coupled with their marriage creates not only admiration but also excitement for what the future holds for them individually and as partners.
The marriage of Shinohara Hikaru and Sasai Chihiro symbolizes not just their commitment to each other but also highlights the importance they place on their professional aspirations. Their heartfelt announcements and the public’s warm reception reflect the supportive community they have nurtured over their careers.
With their marriage embraced by the public, fans eagerly anticipate how this new chapter will influence their careers and personal lives. Both Shinohara and Sasai have made it clear they plan to continue pouring their passion and enthusiasm both toward their professions and as partners.
Their announcement signifies not just the merging of two lives but also showcases how they intend to maintain their personal and professional ambitions, proving couples can thrive together both personally and professionally.